
2020/20: Availability of Public Toilets in Newport, Formal Council Questions and Responses - Monday, 13th July, 2020

No. Item


Question to the Deputy Leader: 2020/20 - Availability of Public Toilets in Newport


Councillor J Watkins asked:


Cabinet Member,


Throughout this Pandemic all shops, bars, and cafes have been closed as have Public toilets which in fact you closed over a year ago using the premise that local businesses would be able to fill the gap, clearly currently that argument is currently lost

Given a number of nearby Local Authorities including Monmouth CC, Torfaen, Cardiff and Swansea have retained or reopened these facilities would this administration in support of the local population please reopen public toilets here?



Councillor R Jeavons responded:


The last public toilets operated by Newport City Council where closed in 2018 and the budget removed following approval from full council. There are no plans to revisit this decision.


With Welsh Governments decision to allow the reopening of non-essential retail and the planned reopening of bars, cafés and restaurants on the 13th July, Welsh Government have issued guidance on the re-opening of conveniences for the retail/hospitality industry.