
2020/03: Fuel Poverty and Investment in Energy Efficiency, Formal Council Questions and Responses - Monday, 3rd February, 2020

No. Item


Question to the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development: 2020/03 - Fuel Poverty and Investment in Energy Efficiency


Councillor C. Evans asked:


This week is ‘Big Energy Saving Week’, which is a national campaign to help people cut their energy bills.


Many councils are partnering with the National Energy Association; a charity which works to eradicate fuel poverty and campaigns for investment in energy efficiency to help those who are in need, or vulnerable, gain affordable heat.


By working with the National Energy Association, these councils are providing free energy training to their residents, at little or no cost to the councils.


Why isn’t your administration reaching out and providing similar advice and support to the people of Newport?


Will you pledge to contact the National Energy Association and explore working with them in the future?


Councillor Davies responded:


My administration supports National Energy Action’s objective of reducing the numbers of people in fuel poverty. 


National Energy Action (not Association) is a small organisation working across the UK, and partnership approaches between the welsh arm – NEA (Cymru) and welsh local authorities are in development. 


Officers are also working closely with Welsh Governments’ Arbed-Am-Byth programme to deliver support for residents of Newport. 


As part of this work, the Council will continue to review a range of carbon reduction opportunities in order to support residents.