
2019/35: Road markings being covered in areas of Newport, Formal Council Questions and Responses - Monday, 23rd September, 2019

No. Item


Question to the Cabinet Member for City Services 2019/35 - Road markings being covered in areas of Newport


Councillor Kellaway asked:


Underwood like many areas around Newport have had some of their yellow line refreshed and painted over the last few weeks so thank you.


However, can you explain why very recently these were then covered with new tarmac and stone wasting significant amount of resource and money if the process is being repeated throughout the ward?


Councillor Jeavons responded:


Wherever possible, major maintenance programmes are established well in advance of the works commencing, enabling officers to take informed decisions on whether to defer routine maintenance of carriageway markings.


Any decision to delay remedial works must take into account highway safety and enforcement duties on the council as highway authority.


With the introduction of Civil Parking Enforcement this year, it is unavoidable that a number of sites programmed for surfacing works have recently had some degree of carriageway markings refreshed.


In such cases, officers will consider the wider benefits of undertaking the surfacing works against any abortive marking replacement.