
2019/29: Carbon Reduction Plan, Formal Council Questions and Responses - Monday, 29th July, 2019

No. Item


Question to the Cabinet Member for Assets and Equalities : 2019/29 - Carbon Reduction Plan


Councillor C. Evans asked:


Can you update us on your administration’s carbon reduction plans? Will you commit, as many other councils have done, to Newport becoming carbon neutral by 2030 and thereby potentially limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees?


Councillor Whitcutt responded:


The Local Government Association has declared a climate emergency at the recent annual LGA. The motion supported the principle that all levels of government must work together to successfully implement the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.


The Association’s motion:


• Calls upon Her Majesty’s Government to explore supporting domestic implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals through funded partnership roles within each local authority area; and


• Encourages councils to continue their work on linking their local priorities with the overall ambitions of the SDGs


• Declares a ‘Climate Emergency’, and commits to supporting councils in their work to tackle climate change by providing a strong unified voice for councils in lobbying for support to address this emergency, and sharing best practice across all councils


With regards to mitigating the Council's own (direct) impact on the climate, we have an ongoing programme of carbon reduction activities and projects. Our long-term approach will be published in our first Carbon Management Plan which is currently in review.