
2019/1: Refuse Bin Sizes, Formal Council Questions and Responses - Monday, 14th January, 2019

No. Item


Question to the Leader of the Council: 2019/1 - Refuse Bin Sizes


Councillor Fouweather asked:


As Leader of the Council you promised that the council would not go to three weekly refuse collection. However smaller bins have now been introduced which have the same impact as three weekly collections.


So currently we have 180 litre bins that are emptied every 2 weeks -ie 90 litre capacity a week.


The initial proposal was to have these bins emptied every 3 weeks -ie 60 litre capacity a week.


The new proposal is to have 120 litre bins emptied every 2 weeks -ie 60 litre capacity a week.


Do you believe that residents have been misled. You were clearly pushed into making an assurance that three weekly collections would not take place but the introduction of smaller bins has exactly the same impact.



The Leader of the Council responded:


I do not believe that residents have been misled.  Frequency of collection and bin capacity are two separate issues with different impacts.  I made assurances that three weekly collections would not take place during the remainder of this administrationand there is no change to this position.