Agenda and minutes

Performance Scrutiny Committee - Partnerships - Wednesday, 4th September, 2024 5.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 1 / Microsoft Teams

Contact: Neil Barnett  Scrutiny Adviser

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


  • Cllr Davies declared an interest in item 4, as the Councillor is on the board of Wastesavers.
  • Cllr Marshall declared an interest in item 3, that the Maesglas Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) impacts their ward of Gaer.
  • Cllr Hussein declared an interest in item 4, as the Councillor is a board member of Maindee Unlimited.



Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) - Renewal for City Centre, Pill and Maesglas pdf icon PDF 120 KB

a)    Officer presentation

b)    Committee questioning and discussion

c)     Formation of comments and recommendations


Additional documents:


Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) – Renewal for City Centre, Pill and Maesglas


-          Cllr Pat Drewett – Cabinet Member for Communities and Poverty Reduction

-          Silvia Gonzalez-Lopez – Head of Environment and Public Protection

-          Paul Davies – Community Protection Manager


The Head of Environment and Public Protection (HEPP) introduced the report, and the Community Protection Manager informed the committee of the purpose of the Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) while noting that the order is at the time of the committee meeting open to public consultation. The Cabinet Member for Communities and Poverty Reduction commended both attendees for their work.


The Committee asked the following:


  • The Committee asked how the PSPO wording regarding motorised vehicles deemed “unsafe or inconsiderate” would be enforced for delivery drivers. They also queried the signposting in the City Centre. The Community Protection Manager (CPM) reassured them that the PSPO would be enforced in pedestrianised zones marked by signs, emphasising the importance of public awareness for effective enforcement.


  • The Committee questioned the sufficiency of staffing levels for PSPO enforcement. The HEPP acknowledged the high public demand on officers. The CPM admitted that current staffing was inadequate, leading to a focus on surrounding crime issues and a multi-agency approach to enforcement.


  • The Committee referred to public perceptions of Newport as a dangerous city and asked what measures were taken to address this. The CPM noted the need for a consistent approach to raise awareness of Council efforts to ensure City Centre safety.


  • The Committee questioned the impact of public consultation on PSPO wording and its effect on fines for repeated breaches. The HEPP clarified that the consultation aimed to amend wording, with decisions to be made post-consultation and presented at the Council meeting on 24th September 2024. The CPM informed the Committee of a newly recruited specialist to assist with repeated breaches and the development of an antisocial behaviour strike process to log offenders.


  • The Committee asked about incidents of aggressive begging and how the partnership approach help address these incidents. The CPM assured the Committee that they were aware of these issues and collaborating with various agencies. The HEPP noted established communication channels between Newport City Council and Gwent Police, adhering to their content advice.


  • The Committee questioned the process following the issuance of an antisocial behaviour notice. The CPM explained that if ASB ceased, no further action would be taken, but escalation would lead to consideration for the ASB strike process, which had been organised over eight weeks.


The Committee thanked officers for attending.




  • The Committee praised the report and supported the proposed updates to Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs). The Committee were also supportive of the clear installation of signage in designated areas to enhance public awareness and compliance.


  • The Committee highlighted the importance of the communication strategy to promote positive changes within the community, utilising a collaborative approach among various agencies to ensure consistent messaging.



Newport Wastesavers Partnership pdf icon PDF 114 KB

a)    Officer presentation

b)    Committee questioning and discussion

c)     Formation of comments and recommendations


Additional documents:


Newport Wastesavers Partnership


-          Cllr Forsey - Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Biodiversity

-          Silvia Gonzalez-Lopez – Head of Environment and Public Protection

-          Penny Goodwin – Chief Executive Officer: Newport Wastesavers

-          Ian Simms – Head of Operations: Newport Wastesavers


The Head of Environment and Public Protection (HEPP) introduced the report with the Chief Executive Officer of Wastesavers. It was identified that there is a long relationship between NCC and Wastesavers. The content of the report covers an introduction to the partnership. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Wastesavers made a presentation to the committee.


The Committee asked the following:


  • The Chair thanked officers for their detailed explanation of Wastesavers' duties. The Committee noted that some reputational issues stem from kerbside problems and enquired about improvements, particularly regarding vape recycling. The HEPP acknowledged the complexity of vape recycling due to disposal issues post-collection.


  • The Committee questioned Wastesavers' community engagement efforts, especially with new residents, and whether they considered international examples for recycling and fly-tipping solutions. The Wastesavers CEO stated that they seek inspiration from places like Bristol and Oregon, and the HEPP agreed on the need for targeted community engagement. The Head of Operations emphasised that engaging residents is a high priority for Wastesavers.


  • The Committee asked how Wastesavers supports vulnerable residents and how they can access informational materials. The Wastesavers CEO confirmed their willingness to collaborate with Councillors to share relevant materials.


  • The Committee queried how the partnership addresses misconceptions about recycling and waste management. The Wastesavers CEO noted the importance of this issue, stating they use a "carrot and stick" approach to encourage recycling. An example was given of adjusting refuse bin sizes. The HEPP advised of a tagging system to identify residents struggling with recycling.


  • The committee discussed fly-tipping, enquiring about the availability of recycling bags and pick-up points, and whether the transition from boxes to bags was comprehensive. The Wastesavers CEO confirmed that recycling bags are available in libraries and expressed openness to adding more distribution points, such as schools, while also confirming that green boxes would remain for small electrical items and glass.


  • The Committee questioned Wastesavers' daily operations, particularly regarding potential changes to the operational timetable in winter. The Head of Operations explained that decisions are based on practicality rather than cost, citing increased road congestion affecting collection timeliness. The HEPP advised that bins should be put out on collection mornings to reduce waste contamination.


  • The Committee queried the staff turnover within Wastesavers. The Head of Operations reported significant improvement in turnover, with about 70 crew members and three staff per vehicle. However, issues related to holidays and sick leave were acknowledged, and areas of contention are marked on daily updated route maps, highlighting the importance of staff familiarity with the service.


  • The Committee sought an update on Wastesavers' handling of commercial waste. The Head of Operations noted that the main challenge is businesses' confusion about their bin needs. The HEPP confirmed that Council operatives are actively engaging with businesses to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Scrutiny Adviser Reports pdf icon PDF 142 KB

a)      Actions Arising (Appendix 1)

b)      Forward Work Programme Update (Appendix 2)

c)      Outomes Monitoring (Appendix 3)



Additional documents:



-          Neil Barnett – Scrutiny Adviser


a) Actions Arising

The Committee were advised of Actions Arising


b) Draft Annual Forward Work Programme Update

The Committee were advised of the agenda for the next two meetings:


Wednesday 9th October 2024

-          Shared Resource Services (SRS) Update

-          Safer Newport Update


Wednesday 23rd October 2024

-          Gwent Regional Partnership Board (RPB) Annual Report


c) Outcomes Monitoring

The Committee were advised of the up to date outcomes.



Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 128 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true and accurate record.