Agenda and minutes

Performance Scrutiny Committee - Partnerships - Wednesday, 6th November, 2024 5.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 1 / Microsoft Teams

Contact: Neil Barnett  Scrutiny Adviser

No. Item


Declarations of Interest




Norse Joint Venture Partnership pdf icon PDF 145 KB

a)    Officer presentation

b)    Committee questioning and discussion

c)     Formation of comments and recommendations


Additional documents:



-        Jake Colclough-Jones (Associate Director – Facilities Management and Support Services, Newport Norse)

-        Sarah Davies: Associate Director – Professional Services, Newport Norse

-        Councillor Rhian Howells: Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Assets

-        Tracy McKim: Head of People, Policy and Transformation

-        Rhys Cornwall: Strategic Director- Transformation and Corporate


The Head of People Policy and Transformation (HPPT) introduced the report to the Committee. The Associate Director – Professional Services, Newport Norse  ADPS) and Associate Director – Facilities Management and Support Services, Newport Norse (ADFMSS) gave an overview of the report.


The Committee asked the following:


  • The Committee asked how the rebate model benefitted residents of Newport and taxpayers, given the current cost of living crisis and inflation. The HPPT advised that the rebate is credited back to the Council's budget, which is effectively offsets the costs of other services. However, it was recognised that this model may be outdated considering current Council priorities and following a Scrutiny review, a new way of working was being explored to replace the joint venture at the end of its current term for 2026.


  • The Committee queried if there is any feedback on the higher service costs and whether they are driven to ensure a rebate. The ADFMSS advised that the higher service costs are often due to compliance with higher standards, such as paying the living wage.  The profit model is being reviewed, and it is likely that future models will not include a profit element.


  • The Committee questioned the customer satisfaction rate and whether it reflects the feedback received from the community. The ADFMSS advised that customer satisfaction is measured through various channels, including surveys and direct feedback. The feedback is reviewed and addressed regularly, and efforts are made to improve services based on this feedback.


  • The Committee asked if the proxy value agreement was based on Welsh Government figures. The ADFMSS advised the Committee that this was correct, and also that the proxy values were different for the Cardiff Capital Region compared to Newport.


  • The Committee enquired about the residency of Newport Norse staff. The ADFMSS advised the Committee that 92% of staff lived in Newport, with the other 8% living in the Cardiff Capital Region.


  • The Committee enquired about the Themes, Outcomes and Measures (TOMS) agreement between the Council and Norse. The HPPT advised the Committee that the Council agreed on a smaller set of TOMS for Norse to report on, focusing on modelling the Norse values on the Council’s.


  • The Committee asked how many clients participated in the customer satisfaction survey. The ADFMSS advised that the exact percentage of clients who participated in the survey would be provided to the Committee.


  • The Committee queried about the ethnicity data and why only 51% of staff answered the question. The ADPS advised that the data is collected through an optional survey, and some staff may choose not to answer for various reasons. Efforts are being made to encourage more staff to provide this information.



Scrutiny Adviser Reports pdf icon PDF 143 KB

a) Actions Arising (Appendix 1)

b) Forward Work Programme Update (Appendix 2)

c) Outcomes Monitoring (Appendix 3)

Additional documents:



            - Neil Barnett – Scrutiny Adviser


a. Actions Arising

The Scrutiny Adviser informed the Committee of the Actions Arising.


b. Forward Work Programme Update

The Scrutiny Adviser informed Committee of the agenda for the next two meetings:


Wednesday 5th February 2025

- CONTEST (Part 2 report)


Wednesday 26th March 2025

- Education Achievement Service (EAS) Value for Money Report


c. Outcomes Monitoring

The Scrutiny Adviser informed the Committee of the up-to-date outcomes.



Minutes of the previous meeting held on 9th October 2024 pdf icon PDF 121 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting held on 9th October 2024 were approved as a true and accurate record.