Agenda and minutes

Performance Scrutiny Committee - Partnerships - Wednesday, 9th October, 2024 5.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 1 / Microsoft Teams

Contact: Neil Barnett  Scrutiny Adviser

No. Item


Declarations of Interest




Shared Resource Services (SRS) Update pdf icon PDF 146 KB

a)    Officer presentation

b)    Committee questioning and discussion

c)     Formation of comments and recommendations


Additional documents:



-        Matt Lewis (Chief Officer Shared Resource Service)

-        Kath Beavan-Seymour (Assistant Director Shared Resource Service)

-        Mike Doverman (User Support Manager Shared Resource Service)

-        Sarah Stephens (Head of Service Management Shared Resource Service)

-        Annette Drew (Head of Resources Shared Resource Service)

-        Rhys Cornwall (Strategic Director – Corporate and Transformation)

-        Tracy McKim (Head of People, Policy and Transformation)

-        Mark Bleazard (Digital Services Manager)

-        Dominic Gibbons (Digital Projects Manager)


The Head of People, Policy and Transformation (HPPT) introduced the report, and the Chief Officer Shared Resource Service (COSRS) presented the report to the Committee.


The following was discussed:


  • The Committee queried whether the 80% first point of contact figure could be improved with new structures. The Assistant Director Shared Resource Service (ADSRS) explained this now includes schools' scheduled SLA visits, where technicians are assigned specific days. They are developing a comprehensive knowledge base from previous resolutions and emphasising self-service options. Current target stands at 70%, so 80% exceeds expectations, with regular monitoring through the resolution group.


  • The Committee asked about exit interviews and whether training concerns were identified. The User Support Manager Shared Resource Service (USMSRS) reported these issues are now addressed through structured 6-month training plans for all new staff. Better transparency in training paths and career progression has significantly improved internal mobility and staff retention across the organisation.


  • The Committee enquired about Higher Education institution links for apprenticeships. It was advised that the partnership maintains active connections with the University of South Wales and several local providers. Though apprenticeships temporarily paused during the pandemic, these have since restarted and SRS continued delivering school work experience days and participated in Careers Wales job fairs. Apprenticeship opportunities are regularly communicated to Head Teachers to ensure awareness.


  • The Committee questioned how staff turnover affects service continuity and technology adaptation. The USMSRS described partnership work with third party providers who established core competency frameworks. The Chief Officer Shared Resource Service (COSRS) explained Strategic Advisers conduct regular horizon scanning for future technological needs, whilst shared infrastructure has streamlined support across all four local authorities within the partnership, with Newport being the latest to join.


  • The Committee asked about understanding system requirements and staff support. The HPPT outlined extensive collaborative work on digital strategy, with SRS providing technological infrastructure whilst Newport City Council addresses specific business processes. The COSRS confirmed solutions would be developed in partnership with service areas and critical users to meet specific needs.


  • The Committee enquired about Artificial Intelligence (AI) integration in Contact Centre systems and policy compliance. The COSRS described Monmouthshire Council's successful trial connecting AI to bin collection information systems. It was advised that as members of the Wales AI Steering Group, SRS are actively examining future Contact Centre development and implementation strategies.


  • The Committee questioned specific measures for managing data lines and contract overspending. The Head of Resources Shared Resource Service (HORSRS) detailed comprehensive annual budget reviews with technical advisers assessing contract requirements. A new long-term data lines contract is expected to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


Safer Newport Community Safety Partnership Update pdf icon PDF 134 KB

a) Officer presentation

b) Committee questioning and discussion

c) Formation of comments and recommendations

Additional documents:



-        Rhys Cornwall (Strategic Director – Transformation and Corporate)

-        Janice Dent (Policy and Partnership Manager)

-        Helen Gordon (Senior Policy and Partnership Officer)

-        Jason White (Superintendent – Gwent Police)

-        Councillor Pat Drewett (Cabinet Member for Communities and Poverty Reduction)


The Cabinet Member for Communities and Poverty Reduction praised the team for their work. The Strategic Director for Transformation and Corporate (SD) introduced the report and the Senior Policy and Partnership Officer (SPPO) presented the report to the Committee.


The following was discussed:


  • The Committee expressed frustration about the negative perception of Newport on social media and asked about counter measures. The SD explained that public safety perception often differs from reality, noting both are treated with equal importance. The SPPO detailed new monthly community safety meetings with public protection and communications teams for sharing positive news. The Superintendent – Gwent Police (SGP) emphasised the importance of joint communication efforts, with Gwent Police establishing a strategic engagement board to better understand community needs. The Cabinet Member highlighted recent positive coverage of PSPO implementation in local media.


  • The Committee queried measurement processes for new structures and subgroups, including specific metrics. The SD outlined that metrics were chosen based on community feedback and crime data, measured through public perception and disorder statistics. The PPM noted that increased incident reporting often reflects successful community engagement rather than rising crime. They highlighted ongoing challenges in data collection and achieving comprehensive community representation across all areas.


  • The Committee highlighted the importance of regular community perception measurements. The PPM confirmed twice-yearly City Centre surveys were ongoing.  The Committee requested urgent expansion of these surveys to rural areas. The SPPO detailed how the Safer Place Sub-Group would gather specific community feedback to address localised concerns and needs.


  • The Committee asked about methods for reaching isolated community members and feedback implementation. The SD described their comprehensive work with statutory parties through perception surveys and safer places subgroups, emphasising different community priorities. The SPPO confirmed all communications are specifically aligned with received feedback to ensure relevance.


  • The Committee queried how partnership objectives would adapt over five years to address emerging safety concerns. The SD explained existing flexibility in strategic objectives, with evolving priorities addressed through partnership working. The SPPO detailed Quarter 4 review processes for 2025/2026 planning, ensuring responsiveness to changing needs. The SGP noted daily discussions on emerging threats and planned reintroduction of pre-Covid partnership tasking.


  • The Committee suggested increased Member utilisation for community feedback gathering and asked about the main challenges. The PPM described ongoing work with the Cabinet Member for Communications and Culture to enhance member-partner collaboration. The SD highlighted Newport's unique serious and organised crime priorities due to its city status, requiring specific strategic approaches.


  • The Committee asked about any challenges within partnership dynamics. The SD reported strong statutory partnership commitment post-Covid, with effectiveness measurable over the next 12 months through specific performance indicators.


  • The Committee queried the effectiveness of cross-service collaboration. The SD referenced the 2021 organisational restructure enabling improved collaborative  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Scrutiny Adviser Reports pdf icon PDF 142 KB

a) Actions Arising (Appendix 1)

b) Forward Work Programme Update (Appendix 2)

c) Outcomes Monitoring (Appendix 3)

Additional documents:



  1. Actions Arising

The Scrutiny Adviser informed the Committee of the Actions Arising.


  1. Forward Work Programme

The Scrutiny Adviser informed Committee of the agenda for the next two meetings:


Wednesday 23rd October 2024

-          Gwent Regional Partnership Board (RPB) Annual Report


Wednesday 6th November

-          Norse Joint Venture – Strategy and Performance Review

-          One Newport Annual Report.


  1. Outcomes Monitoring

The Scrutiny Adviser informed the Committee of the up-to-date outcomes.



Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 119 KB


The Committee accepted the minutes of the previous meeting as a true and accurate record.