Venue: Committee Room 1 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Neil Barnett Scrutiny Adviser
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: None. |
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 7 December 2022 PDF 139 KB Minutes: The Minutes of the Last Meeting held on the 7 December 2022 were moved as a true record.
One Newport Partnership Well-being Plan 2022-23 Q2 Performance PDF 187 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Invitees: - Rhys Cornwall- Strategic Director Transformation and Corporate Centre - Steve Ward-Chief Executive for Newport Live and Intervention Lead for the Newport Offer. - Christopher Dawson Morris-Intervention Lead for Strong Resilient Communities (Aneurin Bevan University Health Board) - Ceri Doyle-Intervention Lead for Sustainable Travel (Newport City Homes) - Joanne Gossage-Service Manager Environment and Leisure for Newport City Council and Intervention Lead for Green and Safe Spaces - Guy Lacey- Intervention Lead for Right Skills (Coleg Gwent) - Nicola Dance- Senior Policy Partnership Officer - Janice Dent- Policy and Partnership Manager
The report was introduced to the Committee by the Policy and Partnership Manager who explained that the report was an historic look at Quarter 2 setting out the work of partnerships against the quarters Wellbeing Plan. This was the last year of the Plan and there was work being done towards the formation of the new Local Delivery Plan with the final draft available soon. There was a strong partnership commitment relationship in Newport and the commitment and engagement of partners showed benefits.
Green and Safe Spaces
- Joanne Gossage - Service Manager Environment and Leisure for Newport City Council and Intervention Lead for Green and Safe Spaces.
The Intervention Lead for Green and Safe Spaces gave an overview of the intervention and highlighted successes and key achievements for the Committee.
Members asked the following:
· Where is the Barrack Hill project located?
The Service Manager explained that this project was just off Sorrell Drive and was being sorted with a grant through Welsh Government to remove knotweed infestation due to fly tipping. The Community was inspired to work on putting a footpath and benches in.
· The Committee complemented the work being done there and asked how it linked into the active travel routes and the Road to Nature and how easy it was to add in more active travel routes into the overall plan.
The Service Manager confirmed that there was a potential linkage through active travel to create a network of active travel routes without using the roads by using bikes and was all part of the nature network to combat climate change.
· The Committee asked was the active travel route between Harlequin Drive and Sorrell drive easy to include travel routes into from the barracks towards this as the topography was bad.
It was confirmed that the gradient was difficult for this to be achieved as within active travel there was gradient guidance. For example, in relation to the Devon Place footbridge, the size of the ramp was constructed to achieve the correct gradient for accessibility. It was a large structure, but it takes up a lot of the land and it depends on the community identifying it as an active travel route. Routes have to be on the Active Travel Map in order for funding to be given and to bid for money. If the Committee wanted the team to look at this, it could be added to the active travel map. ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Scrutiny Adviser Reports PDF 138 KB a) Forward Work Programme Update (Appendix 1) b) Actions Plan (Appendix 2)
Additional documents:
Minutes: Invitee: - Neil Barnett – Scrutiny Adviser
a) Forward Work Programme Update (Appendix 1)
The Scrutiny Advisor stated that the next meeting would take place on the 29th March 2023 which would discuss the EAS Business Plan which came to committee every year as well as the Safer Newport Update on Community Safety Partnership which was the first time this item came to Committee. On the 26th April 2023 the One Newport Draft Action Plan and Newport Live Report would come to Committee.