Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Neil Barnett Scrutiny Adviser
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: None. |
One Newport Wellbeing Plan 2021-22 Q2 Performance PDF 543 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Invitees: - Councillor Jane Mudd - Leader of Newport City Council - Chair of One Newport Public Service Board (PSB) and Intervention Lead for the Newport Offer - Bev Owen - Chief Executive of Newport City Council - Rhys Cornwall – Strategic Director - Nicola Dance – Senior Partnership Officer - Tracy McKim – Policy, Partnership and Involvement Manager - Will Beer - Intervention Lead for Strong Resilient Communities (NHS Public Health Team Consultant) - Craig Lane Intervention Lead for Sustainable Travel (Newport Third Sector) - Steve Morgan Intervention Lead for Green and Safe Spaces (Natural Resources Wales) - Stephen Tiley Intervention Lead for Right Skills (Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisations (GAVO))
The Intervention Lead for Strong and Resilient Communities informed the Committee that they will update them on the progress made against the key steps of the five objectives set out in the well-being plan as agreed by the partners. It reflects the work they are currently doing in the partnership rather than in their own constituencies; and the focus is all about the collaborative work
The Committee was advised that the Leader of the Council was unable to attend for the update and had asked that her apologies were offered at the Meeting. Members were advised that the Senior Partnership Officer and Strategic Director will cover the Newport Offer section.
Newport Offer
The Senior Partnership Officer gave a brief overview of the Newport Offer Intervention and how Newport Now has brought a local business perspective into the board and the Leads are keen to involve the Newport Youth Council as it has a long term focus for young people to also make the decisions. She referred to its aspiration to change perceptions and raise the profile of the city.
She pointed out the key re-generation projects such as shared ownership homes and green infrastructure works and the work for the city centre that has brought the Council together with Coleg Gwent and Newport Live. Also noted the collaboration with the Police and Newport Now on the application to retain the Purple Flag Status as it could provide stimulus for long term investment potential. Partners have been working hard to build it back up to how it was before with the tourism economy which has been hit very hard by the pandemic. Lots of investment via Transporter Bridge and partners putting on events such as the marathon and the Mercure hotel development in the City Centre. Survey work will als be done to establish performance measures in helping improve people’s perceptions about the City.
Members asked the following: · Members noted the need for Newport to have a diverse economy and asked if businesses have approached the PSB wanting to come into Newport.
The Senior Partnership Officer clarified that there are enquiries which come into the council for investment and work through the Newport Offer, Newport Now and Newport Economic Network. But in terms of direct enquiries, they do not get them through to the board itself but they ... view the full minutes text for item 2. |
Education Achievement Services (EAS) Business Plan 2022-25 PDF 355 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Invitees: - Sarah Morgan - Chief Education Officer/Head of Education (NCC) - Geraint Willington – Director – EAS - Ed Pryce – Assistant Director – EAS - Sarah Davies – Principal Challenge Advisor (EAS)
The Chief Education Officer introduced the EAS team and their report and introduced the Assistant Director of EAS to cover the key lines of the business plan. The Assistant Director provided the Committee with a brief overview of how the EAS team and partners have reviewed how they wrote the business plan and stressed that the fundamentals such as Local Authority Strategic plans would not change and that the initial feedback from other stakeholders and what the EAS will change in the final version.
Members were informed of the 5 key priorities for the group after the feedback from the Directors and School Improvement Lead session and referred to these within the report. The Assistant Director explained the EAS Vision for 2025 and covered what the EAS will do to achieve the vision, such as ensuring that all schools are able to access a universal offer and professional teaching, a set number of days to work with a school improvement partner. It was noted that bespoke support would be developed for schools who require more intensive work. Members were informed that the EAS will report on the progress it is making towards the impact statements within the business plan.
Members asked the following: · The Committee thanked the officers for their comprehensive presentation and praised them on the work they have been doing.
· Members referred to page 31 with regard to encouraging youth/learner voices and asked if any changes have been made to how the partnership works because of that learner voice being included.
The EAS Assistant Director confirmed that a colleague of his, Cath Bevan; Assistant Director, looks after their well-being strategies, has liaised with numerous school councils offering the vision for feedback and has undertaken an exercise. Members were advised that the partner has not seen the feedback as of yet but assured the Committee that it will be incorporated into the final version and published as one of the appendices, as EAS do for standard procedure.
· Members asked in relation to the challenge of staffing numbers mentioned; how the EAS team have experienced putting the plan into motion during a reduction of staff, or if they have adapted it with the new way of working.
It was clarified that the EAS had a minor restructure last year and that they take advantage of opportunities where they help with staffing. The Member was directed to 3.4 of the report where it also states they have always passed on efficiency savings to the local authority. It was explained that they may be at a point where any further efficiency savings at the core would become more challenging in future years. The Committee was assured that they are committed to the model of the partnership with the school improvement partners who are the best of the professionals ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Scrutiny Adviser Reports PDF 372 KB a) Actions Plan (Appendix 1)
Additional documents: Minutes: Invitee: Neil Barnett – Scrutiny Adviser
a) Actions Plan (Appendix 1) The Scrutiny Adviser advised the Members that the comments and recommendations were sent over for the Gwent Well-being Assessment and the Regional Population Needs from the meeting on 20 January.
Members were informed that the officer is waiting on confirmation from the Leader on the Dementia Awareness online training session taking place in February. Once the adviser knows further, it was agreed he would send this out to the Members so they can take part.