Venue: Committee Room 1 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Neil Barnett Scrutiny Adviser
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillor Pimm declared an interest due to connections involved in agenda item 5 and 6.
The Committee members declared interests on item 4 as it relates to governorship on school boards within Newport.
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 6th December 2023 PDF 125 KB Minutes: The Minutes of the previous meeting were held as a true and proper record.
Education Achievement Service (EAS) - Value for Money (Phase 1 - December 2023) PDF 165 KB a) Officer presentation b) Committee questioning and discussion c) Formation of comments and recommendations
Additional documents:
Minutes: Invitees: - Sarah Morgan (Head of Education) - Geraint Willington (Education Achievement Service (EAS) Director: Resources, Business and Governance) - Marc Belli (Education Achievement Service (EAS) Principal School Improvement Partner) - Ed Pryce (Education Achievement Service (EAS) Assistant Director: Policy and Strategy)
The Head of Education introduced the report. The Education Achievement Service (EAS) Director: Resources, Business and Governance and Education Achievement Service (EAS) Assistant Director: Policy and Strategy gave an overview of the report.
The Committee asked the following:
Safer Newport Strategic Needs Assessment 2024-2029 PDF 137 KB a) Officer presentation b) Committee questioning and discussion c) Formation of comments and recommendations
Additional documents:
Minutes: - Rhys Cornwall Strategic Director- Transformation and Corporate) - Janice Dent (Policy and Partnership Manager) - Helen Gordon (Senior Policy and Partnership Officer) - Sam Slater (Head of Strategy, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent)
The Strategic Director introduced the report to the Committee. The Policy and Partnership Manager and the Senior Policy and Partnership Officer then gave an overview of the report.
The Committee asked the following:
The Committee praised the report's quality but was surprised by Newport's population distribution. They questioned how rural areas with sparse populations felt about safety and sought assurances that rural populations were not forgotten. The Strategic Director noted the varied population spreads faced different challenges in terms of crime but the Council worked with Gwent Police on these challenges. The Committee requested a breakdown of responses by location, which the Senior Policy and Partnership Officer agreed to provide.
The Committee thanked officers for attending.
Conclusions - The Committee praised the report's presentation and accessibility. Additionally, they commended the effort to distribute the report in multiple languages, recognising the importance of reaching a diverse audience and ensuring inclusivity in communication.
- The Committee emphasised the importance of recognising the safety and security of individuals living in rural areas as being equally significant as in urban areas. It was suggested that safety concerns in rural areas should not be overlooked or forgotten, indicating a need for specific attention and ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Serious Violence Duty: Gwent Strategic Needs Assessment and Strategy PDF 137 KB a) Officer presentation b) Committee questioning and discussion c) Formation of comments and recommendations
Additional documents:
Minutes: Invitees: - Rhys Cornwall Strategic Director- Transformation and Corporate) - Janice Dent (Policy and Partnership Manager) - Helen Gordon (Senior Policy and Partnership Officer) - Sam Slater (Head of Strategy, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent)
The Strategic Director introduced the report to the Committee. The Policy and Partnership Manager, Senior Policy and Partnership Officer and the Head of Strategy, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent then gave an overview of the report.
The Committee asked the following:
Scrutiny Adviser Reports PDF 134 KB a) Forward Work Programme Update (Appendix 1) b) Actions Plan (Appendix 2)
Additional documents: Minutes: - Neil Barnett (Scrutiny Adviser)
a) Forward Work Programme Update (Appendix 1)
The Scrutiny Adviser presented the Forward Work Programme, and informed the Committee of the topics due to be discussed at the next committee meeting:
Wednesday 24th Aprill 2024, the agenda item;
b) Actions Plan (Appendix 2)
The Scrutiny Advisor updated the Committee on the actions sheet and advised all actions are up to date.
The meeting ended at 19:02.