Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee - Friday, 28th April, 2023 10.00 am

Venue: Hybrid Meeting

Contact: Samantha Schanzer  Scrutiny Adviser

No. Item






Declarations of Interest




Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 107 KB


The Committee questioned whether the question regarding the University had been answered and whether the University would be asked to attend a Scrutiny committee.

·       The Scrutiny Advisor confirmed that an Officer response had been shared with committee but that the invitation to the university would be chased up.

The minutes of the previous meeting held 3rd February 2022 were accepted as a true and accurate record.



Planning and Performance Policy pdf icon PDF 137 KB

Additional documents:


The report was presented by the Head of People, Policy and Transformation.


The Committee asked whether the RAG system was changing?

·       The Head of People, Policy and Transformation highlighted that it is very difficult to move away from RAG, noting that this had been discussed by members but there has been no decision made to change it.

The Committee noted that in other Local Authorities the RAG system has more categories.

The Committee felt that the document was fairly complex and dry and were content to accept and note the policy but felt that they had no recommendations at this time.

The Committee felt that the use of “Planning” in the name of the policy could be confused with Planning matters.

The Committee were interested to see that the policy aimed to work with the Welsh Government and Data Cymru. The Committee asked how far along they were for benchmarking comparisons.

·       The Head of People, Policy and Transformation informed committee they are working with other Local Authority’s on a new report. Comparisons are made with other Councils and other cities based different data focuses but this hadn’t been possible during the pandemic.

The Committee asked if there would be a breakdown of the comparisons in the next few years.

·       The Head of People, Policy and Transformation informed committee that it’s difficult to guess which areas would be compared until the data is available.

Comments and Recommendations:

The Committee were content with this report as it stood.


Consultation Update Report (Info Only) pdf icon PDF 133 KB


Due to an issue accessing the report, the Committee agreed to defer this item to the next meeting.



Conclusion of Committee Reports


The Committee asked that conclusions of reports be documented at the end of each report item


Scrutiny Adviser Reports pdf icon PDF 137 KB

a)      Actions Arising (Appendix 1)


Additional documents:


The Scrutiny Advisor presented this item. The Scrutiny Advisor noted that there was one action outstanding, but this is being followed up.

The Scrutiny Advisor informed Committee that the Forward Work Programme is currently being developed and would be brought to the first meeting of the municipal year to be confirmed.

The date of next meeting was given as the 2nd June 2023.



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