Venue: Hybrid Meeting
Contact: Samantha Schanzer Scrutiny Adviser
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Cllr P Bright. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: None. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 140 KB Minutes: A member voiced concern that his comments on attendance at fortnightly meetings with the police had been amended and sought clarification on who to raise this with. He wished it to be on record that his comment was specifically a reference to making sure members of the white community were represented in community engagement, and requested that the minutes be amended to state this.
• The Scrutiny Advisor advised that the minutes were not a verbatim record and only meant to capture the main comments and questions regarding reports, and that the recording was publicly available as a verbatim record.
The Chair confirmed it would be raised again with the Chief
Executive. It was determined that the minutes of the meeting held on 30th September would be agreed at the next meeting alongside the minutes of the current meeting. |
Draft Annual Corporate Wellbeing Self-Assessment Report 21-22 PDF 140 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Invitees: Cllr Jane Mudd (Leader), Beverly Owen (Chief Executive Officer), Rhys Cornwall (Strategic Director for Transformation and Corporate), Paul Jones (Strategic Director for Environment and Sustainability), Sally Ann Jenkins (Strategic Director for Social Services), Tracy McKim (Head of People, Policy and Transformation), Paul Flint (Performance and Business Research Partner).
The Leader introduced the report. The Chief Executive Officer and Strategic Directors gave overviews of their service areas and highlighted challenges and achievements.
A committee member felt that the report should provide more detailed information to Newport residents on the benefits of partnership schemes such as the Cardiff Capital Regions and Western Gateway partnership. The committee member asked what was being done to be more pro-active in making the City Centre more attractive to both investors and citizens.
• The Leader informed committee that the report was an overview of performance at a high level, and this is reflected in the level of detail included. However, the Leader informed committee that there are a number of ways that information is communicated to residents, including promotional material, and a resident’s newsletter which members could also sign up to which provided updates. • The Leader highlighted that Officers are committed to achieving improvement in the City Centre and whilst discussions were still ongoing, large strategic plans are complex, involving many stakeholders, and needed to progress sequentially. The Leader informed committee that due to the commercially sensitive nature of these discussions, further information is not available at present.
The committee queried why the latest air quality progress figures were not included in the report. • The Strategic Director of Environment and Sustainability confirmed there was a lag whilst the figures were validated by Welsh Government but this feedback would be followed up, and the most up to date figures provided to the committee.
The committee was pleased to see the figures for the number of Active Travel journeys and asked how this was measured, and if there was any opportunity for residents to provide feedback that shapes the programme of improvements to networks.
• The Strategic Director of Environment and Sustainability explained the usage was measured by technology placed in situ in locations across the city infrastructure. The technology can detect and track numbers of users, and also identify whether users are walking or using bikes. The Strategic Director informed the committee that the Integrated Transport Network maps were available for residents to comment on routes and route plans. • The Leader highlighted the success of the route across Gaer Fort which was an outcome following feedback from residents, and a prime example of successful resident engagement and participation.
A committee member felt that there was too much information included within the report. The committee member noted that targets needed to be shown in the report, as this will help to demonstrated progress made. The committee member also asked how many of the 20 commitments were complete and how many were ongoing, as they felt it was difficult to assess this without including ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Scrutiny Annual Report 21-22 - Verbal Update Minutes: The Democratic and Electoral Services Manager provided a verbal update to committee that the Scrutiny Annual Report 2021-22 would be distributed to committee via email for comments and recommendations.
The committee agreed to have the report distributed to them via email and to make comments and recommendations directly to the report author.
Conclusions of Committee Reports Minutes: The committee wished for comments and recommendations to be recorded at the end of the relevant agenda item rather than at the end of the minutes.
Scrutiny Adviser Reports PDF 140 KB a) Forward Work Programme Update (Appendix 1) b) Actions Arising (Appendix 2)
Additional documents: Minutes: The Scrutiny Advisor presented the Action Sheet and the Forward Work Programme.
The date of the next meeting was noted to be the 2nd December 2022 at 10am.
Live Event Minutes: |