Venue: Committee Room 1 / Microsoft Teams
Contact: Neil Barnett Scrutiny Adviser
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Councillors P Bright and M Pimm
Declaration of Interest Minutes: None. |
2024/25 Service Plan Mid Year Reviews a) Officer presentation b) Committee questioning and discussion c) Formation of comments and recommendations
Additional documents:
The Strategic Director – Corporate and Transformation introduced the report, and the Head of Finance gave an overview of the report.
Members questioned the Officers and Cabinet Member on the content of the report – to access a full recording of the debate and comments made please refer to the Council’s YouTube channel. Democratic meetings / Cyfarfodydd democrataidd.
Comments and Recommendations:
People Policy and Transformation
The Leader of the Council introduced the report. The Cabinet Members then each introduced their involvement in the service area. The Head of People Policy and Transformation gave an overview of the report.
Members questioned the Officers and Cabinet Member on the content of the report – to access a full recording of the debate and comments made please refer to the Council’s YouTube channel. Democratic meetings / Cyfarfodydd democrataidd.
Comments and Recommendations
The Head of Law and Standards gave an overview of the report.
Members questioned the Officers and Cabinet Member on the content of the report – to access a full recording of the debate and comments made please refer to the Council’s YouTube channel. Democratic meetings / Cyfarfodydd democrataidd.
Comments and Recommendations
Scrutiny Adviser Reports a) Actions Arising (Appendix 1) b) Forward Work Programme Update (Appendix 2) c) Outcomes Monitoring (Appendix 3
Additional documents:
Minutes: Invitee: - Neil Barnett - Scrutiny Adviser
a) Actions Arising The Committee were advised of Actions Arising.
b) Draft Annual Forward Work Programme Update The Committee were advised of next meeting:
Monday 9th December 2024 at 2pm Service Area Mid-Year Reviews 24/25 for Place directorate service areas
The Scrutiny Adviser advised the Committee that dates to discuss the Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan and the Highways Assets Management Plan should be organised shortly, and the Committee will be notified. The Committee were then advised that early next year, Scrutiny Advisers will be meeting with Heads of Service to discuss items to be added to the Draft Annual Forward Work Programme 2025-26. Once confirmed, the draft will be presented to the Committee for further discussion to see what topics, included the Retention and Recruitment Update, can be added.
c) Outcomes Monitoring The Committee were advised of the up-to-date outcomes.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting held on 30th September 2024 were accepted as a true and accurate record. |