Venue: Committee Room 1 / Microsoft Teams
Contact: Neil Barnett Scrutiny Adviser
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes:
Councillors Reeks, Bright and Screen |
Declaration of Interest Minutes: Councillor Matthew Pimm declared an interest as the Chair of a local community group that received SPF funding and as a representative of South Wales Fire and Rescue Service.
Councillor Mark Howells declared an interest due to their work in Housing within the city, which sometimes comes into contact with the Council’s Housing Team.
Councillor Saeed Adan declared an interest related to the homeless pods in the city.
Councillor Pat Drewett declared an interest as they host a Ukrainian family as part of the Ukrainian housing schemes. |
2024/25 Service Plan Mid Year Reviews a) Officer presentation b) Committee questioning and discussion c) Formation of comments and recommendations
Additional documents:
Environment and Public Protection The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Bio-diversity introduced the report, and the Head of Environment and Public Protection gave an overview of the report. Members questioned the Officers and Cabinet Members on the content of the report – to access a full recording of the debate and comments made please refer to the Council’s YouTube channel. Democratic meetings / Cyfarfodydd democrataidd. Comments and Recommendations: • The Committee requested demographic information for prosecutions for fly tipping.
• The Committee recommended further engagement with private landlords, management companies, and estate agents to address issues related to waste management and fly tipping.
• The Committee recommended reviewing and clarifying consultation timelines for Beechwood Park proposals to ensure opportunities for feedback before decisions are made.
• The Committee recommended rewording the reporting of the “Percentage of businesses that were either compliant or brought into compliance during the period public protection measures” for clarity on what is being reported.
• The Committee recommended the review of the Revenue and Capital Forecast graphs to improve consistency and clarity.
Regeneration and Economic Development The Head of Regeneration and Economic Development gave an overview of the report. Members questioned the Officers and Cabinet Members on the content of the report – to access a full recording of the debate and comments made please refer to the Council’s YouTube channel. Democratic meetings / Cyfarfodydd democrataidd. Comments and Recommendations: • The Committee requested the list of priority properties identified as unsightly or in need of attention.
• The Committee recommended improving the robustness and clarity of head count data by more accurately tracking staff movements between departments and providing detailed reports explaining changes, including internal transfers and new positions.
• The Committee requested the minutes of the Newport Live report. (Scrutiny Adviser to send)
Housing and Communities The Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning introduced the report. The Head of Housing and Communities gave an overview of the report. Members questioned the Officers and Cabinet Members on the content of the report – to access a full recording of the debate and comments made please refer to the Council’s YouTube channel. Democratic meetings / Cyfarfodydd democrataidd. Comments and Recommendations • The Committee recommended correcting the number of events and activities delivered by the Library Service in the report.
• The Committee requested an All-Member seminar on housing processes and including housing process information in the FAQ document for reference.
• The Committee requested assurances that the Council is effectively managing arrangements with Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) and other partnerships.
• The Committee requested a breakdown of the numbers of vulnerable groups assisted with accommodation, including prisoners and refugees. They also requested information on whether additional funding was received for these groups.
• The Committee requested clarity on head count numbers regarding balancing and internal transfers.
• The Committee recommended reviewing how information on Medium-term Financial Plan savings, particularly the £372,000 Guarantor Scheme, can be captured and reported accurately. The Committee felt that this would ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Scrutiny Adviser Reports a) Actions Arising (Appendix 1) b) Forward Work Programme Update (Appendix 2) c) Outcomes Monitoring (Appendix 3)
Additional documents:
Minutes: a) Actions Arising The Committee were advised of Actions Arising. The Scrutiny Advisor confirmed outstanding comments from the Head of Law and Standards and the Head of Housing and Communities in relation to the prior service area plans. b) Draft Annual Forward Work Programme Update The Committee were advised of the next meetings: Thursday 16th January 2025 at 2pm 2025-26 Budget and Medium-Term Financial Projections for Place directorate service areas Wednesday 22nd January 2025 at 2pm 2025-26 Budget and Medium-Term Financial Projections for Corporate directorate service areas c) Outcomes Monitoring The Committee were advised of the up-to-date outcomes. The meeting terminated at 17:58. |