Venue: Committee Room 1 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Neil Barnett Scrutiny Adviser
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Councillors C. Reeks and J. Reynolds Cabinet Members J Clarke (Strategic Housing, Planning and Regulation) and L. Lacey (Infrastructure and Assets), Silvia Gonzalez-Lopez (Head of Environment and Public Protection)
Declaration of Interest Minutes: The Chair noted his interest in the Housing and Communities Service Plan due to his employment in this field.
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 11th September 2023 PDF 175 KB Minutes: The Minutes of the previous meeting were held as a true and accurate record.
2023/24 Service Plan Mid-Year Reports PDF 148 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Housing and Communities Invitees: - Paul Jones – Strategic Director – Environment and Sustainability - David Walton – Head of Housing and Communities
The Strategic Director and Head of Housing and Communities gave an overview of the report.
The Committee asked the following:
Scrutiny Adviser Reports PDF 135 KB a) Forward Work Programme Update (Appendix 1) b) Actions Plan (Appendix 2)
Additional documents: Minutes: Invitees:
a) Forward Work Programme Update
The Scrutiny Adviser presented the Forward Work Programme, and informed the Committee of the topics due to be discussed at the next two committee meetings:
Monday 11th December 2023, the agenda item;
o Finance o Law and Standards o People, Policy and Transformation o Regeneration and Economic Development
Monday 15th January 2024, the agenda item; · 2024-25 Draft Budget Proposals and Medium Term Financial Plan
It was advised that the date for the Draft Budget Proposals would be finalised soon, and the Committee would be sent a calendar invitation for the meeting.
Councillor Cleverly gave her apologies for the December meeting.
a) Action Sheet
The Scrutiny Adviser presented the action sheet to the Committee and advised all actions were up to date.