Venue: Hybrid Meeting
Contact: Samantha Schanzer Scrutiny Adviser
No. | Item |
Apologies Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors Bright and Pimm. |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of meetings held 28th February 2023 were accepted as a true and accurate record.
This item also covers the Unregistered Children’s Placements update. Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Children’s
Services presented this report. Questions: The Committee asked why a not-for-profit programme was being explored now.
The Head of Children’s Service noted that the
cost of children’s care is high and that providers control
the market. The Head of Children’s Services explained that
Welsh Government felt that through the move to not-for-profit money
could be better reinvested. The Head of Children’s Service
also highlighted that the more costly provisions don’t always
provide a better service. The Committee queried the definition of profit.
The Strategic Director of Social Services explained
that the Welsh Government were working on a clear definition of
profit and what makes a profitable organisation. The Strategic
Director for Social Services informed Committee that the team are
waiting for these definitions. The Committee agreed that
significant profits shouldn’t be made as well as reaffirmed
the desire for a clear definition on what profits are. The Committee asked who would finance the project.
The Head of Children’s Service informed the
Committee that the Welsh Government give local councils a chance to
bid for funding. The Head of Children’s Service detailed that
they were successful in securing a significant amount of money over
the next 2 years, with £2.6 million being secured for the
Eliminate programme and another £2 million secured for
radical reform. The Committee asked about children who were taken into care and placed outside of Wales, as the scheme is for Wales only.
The Head of Children’s Service explained that
children in placements outside of Wales will need to be moved back
to Wales. The Committee asked how children with special requirements get there needs met.
The Head of Children’s Service explained that
these requirements are considered when placing the children and
that the intention was a range of provision would be
developed. The Committee asked for clarification on what ages this would affect.
The Strategic Director informed the Committee that
the age range was 0-18 years old. The Committee asked whether the Eliminate scheme include asylum seeking children. · The Head of Children’s Service detailed to the Committee that while there is a requirement to support asylum seekers, the majority of them are in the age range of 16-18.
The Head of Children’s Services informed
Committee that Cambridge House is being developed to create space
for unaccompanied children. The Head of Children’s Services
informed Committee that they were the lead in Gwent for the
provision of these services and once works had been completed, they
would be able to offer placements at Cambridge House for regional
partners. The Committee noted that Cambridge House was previously not fit for purpose and asked how much investment would be required to increase the standard.
The Head of Children’s Services informed
Committee that capital funding from Welsh Government would be used
to bring Cambridge House up to standard. The Committee asked whether any children will be brought into Cambridge House before it was fit for purpose. · The Head of Children’s Services confirmed that children would be brought ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Registered Social Landlords Update Additional documents: Minutes: Questions The Committee was concerned that there were 9000 on the waiting list which was an increase compared to last year. And asked whether properties were being built as social or affordable housing? · The question was forwarded to the appropriate Head of Service for an answer to be provided.
Conclusions of Committee Reports Following the completion of the Committee reports, the Committee will be asked to formalise its conclusions, recommendations and comments on previous items for actioning. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee forwent this item as it was not applicable to the reports. |
Scrutiny Adviser Reports a) Actions Arising (Appendix 1) b) Forward Work Programme Update (Appendix 2)
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Scrutiny Advisor informed the Committee that there were still outstanding actions that were being chased. The Scrutiny Advisor noted that the 28th March 2023 would be the next and final meeting of the municipal calendar.
Live Event Additional documents: Minutes: |