Venue: Committee Room 1 / Microsoft Teams
Contact: Samantha Herritty Scrutiny Adviser
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: None. |
Service Area Mid Year Reports 2024-25 - Education Services a) Officer presentation b) Committee questioning and discussion c) Formation of comments and recommendations
Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Education and Early
Years provided an overview of the report to the
Committee. Members questioned the Officers and Cabinet
Member on the content of the report - to access a full recording of
the comments made please refer to the Council's YouTube Channel
Democratic Meetings / Cyfarfodydd Democrataidd Outcomes:
Scrutiny Adviser Reports a) Actions Arising (Appendix 1) b) Forward Work Programme (Appendix 2) c) Outcomes Monitoring (Appendix 3)
Additional documents:
Minutes: a) Actions Arising The Scrutiny Adviser highlighted the updated
table. They added that communications had been sent to all Members
inviting them to visit the Assistive Technology Hub. b) Forward Work Programme The Scrutiny Adviser noted no
changes to the work programme and the date of the nextmeeting of
the 14th January 2025. c) Outcomes The Scrutiny Advisor informed Committee that these had been updated and still awaiting response.
Meeting recording Minutes: |