Agenda and minutes

Performance Scrutiny Committee - People - Tuesday, 23rd January, 2018 10.00 am

Venue: Committee Room 1 - Civic Centre. View directions

No. Item


Declarations of Interest





Minutes of the Meeting held 12 December 2017 pdf icon PDF 237 KB


Minutes were accepted as a true and accurate record.



Revenue Budget and Medium Term Financial Plan 2018-19: Draft Proposals pdf icon PDF 526 KB

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-          Owen James – Assistant Head of Finance

-          James Harris – Strategic Director – People

-          Sarah Morgan – Head of Education

-          Sally Jenkins  – Head of Children & Young People Services

-          Chris Humphrey – Head of Adult & Community Services


The Assistant Head of Finance gave an overview of the budget proposal under the Committee’s portfolio. It was advised that since the Draft Budget had been published, the final settlement from Welsh Government had been received, which was slightly better than anticipated. However, due to in year pressures and the Local Government Pay Award, it has not left the Authority in a better position overall.


EDU181902 - Consolidation of the Educational Psychology, Additional Learning Needs, and Specific Learning Needs Teams into a ‘Inclusion Enrichment Team’


Members queried the difference between Advisory Teachers and Educational Psychologist roles, the difference in their skillset and asked if there was a way to increase or share skill levels between individuals. Members were advised that Educational Psychologists are a more strategic level than Advisory Teacher, and Advisory Teacher operate more face to face. It was explained that a lot of the core set of skills are matched and that the starting point would be for seven professionals to be split up into clusters, where the advisors can become more multi-skilled. Members were advised that there was confidence that this will happen quickly.


Members discussed the focus on improving mental health for children, and asked how the service would improve, and how many schools would the Teaching Assistants be assigned to. Members were told that the department were successful getting a grant from Welsh Government for mental health support for schools, which was readily available and advised that Welsh Government are focussed on supporting mental health.  An additional benefit being that as this is not core funded the school are able to apply for grant funding.


The Committee asked for further explanation of the cluster approach mentioned with the business case. The Strategic Director advised that there was not sufficient funding to support all the school so the conclusion was to restructure to make sure there is more co-ordinated work which was far more efficient than having multiple teams. The Officer explained that there would be two Teaching Assistants working over 58 schools.


Members queried whether this proposal would increase pressure on schools to provide support to these pupils, and impact on the schools capacity to other pressures. They were advised that there would be an increase in the level of support the school was providing, supported by the cluster.


It was asked if any other authorities had also tried a clusters approach and if it benefitted the students. Members were advised that there is a strong drive by the Welsh Government to standardise across all subjects, so every authority can maintain a focussed approach, while developing capacity and resilience. Members were told that Newport were very much key players in cluster developments and the officers praised the group of highly skilled professionals.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Forward Work Programme Update pdf icon PDF 200 KB

Additional documents:


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer presented the report to Members and outlined the purpose of the report in seeking the Committees approval for items on its work programme for the next two meetings.


The Committee approved the report and the items to be considered during the next two meetings.