Venue: Committee Room 3 - Civic Centre. View directions
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: Paul Dundon |
Nomination of Committee Chair Additional documents: Minutes: As no councillor from Blaenau Gwent had covered the rota of chair in the past year, it was suggested by the Governance Team Leader that their rota be pushed back a year.
Resolved: Councillor Forsey, Newport City Council would Chair. That Councillor Cross and Leadbeater of Blaenau Gwent would be invited to as nominees to chair the meetings for 2023/24 and defer their Chair for the year 2022/23
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: N/A |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 103 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Minute of the meeting which took place on 10 December 2022 were agreed as a true record.
Budget Proposals and Review of Fees for 2023-24 PDF 965 KB Additional documents: Minutes: J Hazelwood went through the report.
To review and consider the budget proposals and fees for 2023-24.
Appendix 1 Greater Gwent (Torfaen) Pension Fund Triennial Actuarial Valuation as at 31 March 2022. Appendix 2 Fees for consultation 2023-24. Appendix 3 Draft budget proposals 2023-24. Appendix 4 Distribution summary.
§ Councillor S Evans referred to the heating of the
§ Councillor Y Forsey asked about changing the 9.30am slot to 10am to accommodate those booking the crematorium. J Gossage advised that the 9.30am was a good back up slot, as well as for those who book a quiet meeting.
§ S Tom referred to 9.30am in ??being a cheaper slot. J Gossage said that at the moment, income levels were increasing and this would not be put forward although it was discussed and could be considered.
§ Councillor Forsey considered that the 2% was lower than expected.
§ M Rushworth increased the volume of cremations.
Resolved: That the Committee 1. Considered the options outlined for 2023-24 cremation fees and the recommendation of a 2% increase. 2. Agreed to a budgeted distribution of £450k for Councils for 2023-24 which would be kept under review as the year progresses, noting the need for ‘use of reserves’ to achieve this. 3. Agreed the resulting budget for 2023-24. 4. Agreed the use of updated and accurate population figures for the split of the annual distribution from 2023-24 onwards.
Facilities Management To receive an oral update from the Newport Norse representative Additional documents: Minutes: K Donavon circulated papers of the tender reports with estimates.
Resolved: That the Committee noted the update on proposed works outlined by the Facilities Manager and agreed to the tendered contractor. |
Funeral Director's Report To consider any issues raised by local Funeral Directors Additional documents: Minutes: S Tom thanked Paul and the team for their help and continued support during these difficult and busy times.
Additional documents: Minutes: Joanne Gossage took the Manager’s report in place of Paul Dundon. The statistics were highlighted. There was an increase in cremation figures in January, but this had tailed off due to the other cremation services locally in Langstone.
It was noted however, that more people were using the Cwmbran Crematory, with bookings well into March.
The lining of the cremators was taking place, which was an additional cost of £34,000 for cremator 3 and 4. J Gossage would report back on completion at the next meeting.
Inspection by Environmental Health officers in Torfaen was favourable and its maintained low risk status.
Resolved: That the Committee noted the Manager’s Report.
Part 2 Exempt or Confidential Items To consider whether to exclude the Press and Public during consideration of the following item on the grounds that it will involve the likely disclosure of exempt or confidential information as defined in schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and exclusion outweighs the public interest in disclosure.