Agenda and minutes

Greater Gwent Cremation Joint Committee - Wednesday, 12th December, 2018 2.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 4 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Meryl James, Governance Officer  01633210733

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Councillor Stephen Evans, Councillor Lee Parsons, Councillor Deb Davies,

Councillor Richard Clark, Stephen Tom, Assoc of Funeral Directors



Declarations of Interest


None received.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 62 KB


The Minutes of the meeting of 24th September were accepted as a true record.


MTRP Budget Proposal - 2019/20 to 2022/23 and Budget Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 75 KB


The MTRP Budget Proposal for 2019/20 to 2022/23 and the Budget Monitoring Report was discussed jointly as they were both linked.


The Streetscene Services Manager presented a business case for an increase in the cremation fees in order to generate additional income.  This proposal had been identified by Newport as part of its Medium Term Revenue Plan and was recommending a fee increase of 12.5% in order to generate a further distribution for Newport of £55k.The Head of Finance and the Finance Business Partner presented a fees and charges report which set out a range of possible increases and comparison figures were provided for other public and private crematoria, both locally and nationally. In order to deliver Newport’s MTRP Budget Proposal and to obtain an additional £55k distribution from Gwent Crematorium in 2019/20 a 12.5% fee increase was required, which would increase the standard cremation fee from £684 to £769.50. Each council’s apportioned share of the increased distribution was also identified, based on this level of fee increase and current levels of cremations.. 



That the draft budget estimates for 19/20 be agreed.



Fee Increase Report for 19/20 - Report to Follow



That the cremation fees be increased by 12.5% as from 1st April 2019. If any additional distribution is achieved and cremation numbers remain the same, it will be distributed to constituent authorities (as per the fee increase report).  The estimates presented in the 2019/20 report were approved based on the 12.5% fee increase figures.



Estimates 19/20 - Report to Follow


The Head of Finance and the Finance Business Partner presented the Estimates for 19/20, showing the draft budget for the Crematorium for the next financial year.  This assumed a level of distribution based on the increased fee levels and current numbers of cremations.



Facilities Management

To receive an oral update from the Newport Norse representative


The Norse representative informed the Committee the roof to the lodge garage needs replacing and is programmed to start on 7th January 2019. 


There is some loose render by the flower area which we had to hack off in order to make safe however, we need a dry weekend in order to re-render this.

The car park lining and repairs to the gate have been completed.



That the Facilities management report be accepted.



Managers Report - December 2018 pdf icon PDF 58 KB


The Superintendent Registrar reported that numbers are continuing to decrease by 40 cremations per month.


It was reported they recently had Environmental Health from Torfaen carry out their annual health inspection and was pleased to report everything was good.


The Chair stated how pleased he was to read the glowing report from the Wales Audit Office after their Annual Inspection of Gwent Crematorium and asked Paul Dundon to pass on his congratulations to all staff for their hard work.



That the Manager’s report be accepted.



Dates for 2019


The following dates were approved at Council for 2019.


The meetings will take place in Room 4 at 2pm


13th March

12th June

11th September

4th December