Agenda and minutes

Greater Gwent Cremation Joint Committee - Wednesday, 15th March, 2017 2.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 4 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Anne Jenkins, Democratic Services Officer  Tel: 01633 656656

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Councillor P Huntley (Newport City Council), J Hazelwood (Finance Business Partner, Systems, Newport City Council).


Declarations of Interest


None received.


Minutes of the Meeting Held on 7 December 2016 pdf icon PDF 101 KB


The minutes of the meeting of 7 December 2016 we accepted as a true record.


Gwent Crematorium Revenue Estimates/Fee Increase 2017-18 pdf icon PDF 118 KB


G Price notified the Committee of the estimates, although there was no change to the revenue budget.


With regard to the fees the committee were provided with comparison figures of other crematoria within Wales and the six lowest fees nationwide.


In addition to the revenue estimates and fee increase, there was a charge of £10 for a cremation certificate; this was a new charge that had been introduced.


In response to the Chair’s query the distribution the same as later year and was based on population.  J Hazelwood provided a breakdown of the figures Gwent wide:


Blaenau Gwent           =          £131,925

Caerphilly                    =          £113,850

Monmouth                   =          £138,375

Torfaen                        =          £159,750

Newport's allocation of the distribution of £206,100



§  That the crematorium fees be increased by 3% (excluding memorial items( by the Committee.

§  That the estimates for 2017/18 be approved by the Committee

§  That an introduction of a £10 charge for copies of certificates is approved by the Committee.

§  That a distribution of £750,000 be made prior to the financial year end, retaining a sufficient level of reserves to cover any emergency works.


Manager's Report pdf icon PDF 149 KB


P Dundun gave an outline of the report to the Committee and was pleased to inform members that the longest time to wait for a funeral was five days.


As there had not been any snow or wind damage during the winter, the grounds maintenance was low, which meant the gardens were looking particularly nice for this time of the year.   The newly appointed gardener was also a carpenter and had made good some garden furniture. 



Date of Next Meeting

2pm Wednesday 14 June, Committee Room 4.



2pm Wednesday 14 June, Committee Room 4.