Venue: Committee Room 4 - Civic Centre. View directions
No. | Item | |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 98 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Law and Standards noted some accuracy corrections but informed the committee that this would dealt with outside the meeting.
Draft Accounts Report 2022-23 PDF 824 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Presented by Joanne Hazlewood (Finance Business Partner - Systems with Finance IT Project responsibilities).
Key Points The purpose of bringing the report to the committee was to have the draft accounts approved as well as the annual returns approved in preparation for the audit.
It has also been proposed to the committee to approve a 1 of distribution payment of £450,000.
The Finance Business Partner - Systems with Finance IT Project responsibilities would like any decision to be made after the Managers Report agenda item is presented.
The draft outcome was expected to be £478,000 at the last committee meeting, however the draft outturn position is now £678,000.
The reserve balance brought over into 2022/23 was just over £1 million, the agreed budget took the balance down to £832,000, although with the outturn it has resulted in a £1.2 million budget. There was reduced staff cost due to agency staff covering a vacancy
The Finance Business Partner - Systems with Finance IT Project responsibilities noted that repair works such as relining 2 cremators that cost a total of £118,000 and the replacement of filter bags and filter bases at the cost of £20000, also it was highlighted that future repairs and renewals would be brought to the committee when the occur.
Capital financing showed an underspend due to proposed works not taking place during the financial year.
The Finance Business Partner - Systems with Finance IT Project responsibilities noted that 6 was average cremation a day with the max being around 7 a day. Towards the end of the year there was an increase in cremation with it levelling out at the end of the year.
Time slots were increased to an Hour and fees were also reduced. Finance Business Partner - Systems with Finance IT Project responsibilities highlighted that once the maximum level of services provided is reached there wouldn’t be a high increase in revenue.
Finance Business Partner - Systems with Finance IT Project responsibilities raised the options presented to the committee was to agree the reserve balance, agree an additional £450,000 to reduce the balance to £800,000.
The Head of Finance noted there was some unexpected costs and options were brought to their attention.
The Head of Finance noted the additional one of payment could be brought back to the committee at a later date in the year.
The Committee proposed looking at the one-off payment once more information could be provided on it.
The Committee approved the Annual Return.
The Head of Finance noted recently there was some extra costs.
Councillor Evans agreed to look at the one of payment at a later date.
Councillor Taylor felt it was sensible to keep things as they were until it was clear of the costs that the work may require.
The Chair highlighted all the members agreement and noted to the Officers the desire to defer the decision until a later date.
Facilities Management
Additional documents: Minutes: Presented by Karl Donavon (Newport Norse Representative)
Key Points K. Donavon highlighted repairs to the fencing and fire alarms, as well as noting that work was underway for the new toilets and waiting area.
Phase two will commence once phase one has been completed.
K. Donavon noted that in the next meeting he would encourage members to see the finished works.
The Chair asked when the works would be completed? - K. Donavon informed the committee that he was unsure of the specific date, however he was aware that they are working on schedule. The chair followed up by asking if the building was still running? - K. Donavon noted there was no clear disruption. - J. Gossage (the service manager Environment & Leisure) informed the committee the first service starts at 11:30am.
Funeral Director's Report To consider any issues raised by local Funeral Directors Additional documents: Minutes: Phil Tom wanted to defer this agenda item until a policy on the splitting of remains has been looked into.
The Service Manager Environment & Leisure would like this to be taken away looked at and brought to the next meeting. Phil Tom noted that there had been no negative feedback in relation to the building works that were occurring |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Service Manager Environment & Leisure noted a drop in attendance once other crematoriums begun to open.
With the time of the cremations increasing to 1 hour time slot this led to an increase in attendance.
The Service Manager Environment & Leisure highlighted that the recent inspection by the Burial and Cremation Authority had been very positive, with full compliance achieved as well as complimentary comments being made towards the staff and the crematorium.
The Chair asked about the report in which it stated the crematorium doesn’t offer a longer service. - The Service Manager Environment & Leisure informed the committee that this would be in reference to the crematorium not offering 2-hour slots. The Service Manager Environment & Leisure informed the committee of the several staffing matters, that include the replacement of an Administrative Support role and a Cremator Operator.
The Service Manager Environment & Leisure also informed the committee of the resignation of Karen Sansom the Team Manager of the Bereavement Team as of June 30th, 2023, with the position being advertised as soon as possible.
The Service Manager Environment & Leisure would like to know if the committee is happy to send a letter of thanks to the long servicing member. - The Committee agreed to this. The Service Manager Environment & Leisure went on to state another staffing issue as Paul Dundon is currently unwell and it is not clear when he would be able to be fully active in his role. Therefore, it was suggested to externally source a temporary cremation manager.
The Service Manager Environment & Leisure would like the committee to approve the recruitment posts as well as the external sourcing of a temporary manager. - Councillor Taylor noted he was happy to agree to this. - The Chair also agreed to this request. Councillor Evans asked about the urgency in hiring the roles as it relates to which ones will be sought to be filled first. - The Service Manager Environment & Leisure informed the members that both the interim manager and deputy will be sought after at the same time although the interim manager position may be fulfilled sooner. The Service Manager Environment & Leisure did confirm she would be meeting with Paul to figure out his plans, with this being reported back to the committee. The Service Manager Environment & Leisure reported that the 12-week contract for the work on the waiting room and toilets had been conducted in the early hours to avoid as much disruption as possible.
The Service Manager Environment & Leisure also confirmed the first time slot begins at 11:30am
The Chair wanted to give thanks to the workers. - K. Donavon noted he will pass this onto the workers. Councillor Evans would like the staff to be informed of the positive report. The Service Manager Environment & Leisure informed the committee of the works in 2020 which involved relining 2 of the cremators as well as replacing the boilers. The Service Manager Environment & Leisure detailed to the committee that during the servicing visit some critical issues ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |