Agenda and decisions

Delegated Decisions - Cabinet Member for Social Services - Monday, 5th September, 2016 9.45 am

No. Item


Capital Grant Funding for the Gypsy and Traveller Site pdf icon PDF 193 KB



The Cabinet Member considered a report regarding the proposed submission of an application to the Welsh Government for capital funds for construction of the first phase of the Gypsy and Traveller site at Hartridge Farm Road. Welsh Government had for the first time invited in- year bids from Local Authorities for the Gypsy and Traveller sites capital grant, this opportunity being only available for local authorities who had a proposed site with planning consent. Newport City Council was bidding for £1.5m to enable the delivery of the site at Hartridge Farm Road which recently received planning consent, thereby making it eligible for grant aid.




1. To agree the application to Welsh Government for the capital grant for the construction of the first phase of the Gypsy and Traveller site at Hartridge Farm Road.


2. To take this decision urgently to meet the necessary deadline as described above, and to inform the Audit Committee of the reasons for urgency at a future meeting.