Venue: St Andrew Infants School Building, Corporation Road, Newport, NP19 OGR
Contact: Joseph Walliker Democratic Services Apprentice
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Emma Keen, Neeta Baicher, Tom Hills, Cllr Farzina Hussain and Cllr David Fouweather.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a true and accurate record. The forum noted the presentations from Bassaleg School.
St Andrews Primary 'Leaders of Learning' Pupil Presentation - Discovering Eid Minutes: The forum attended an assembly by the pupils of St Andrews Primary School on the topic of Discovering Eid.
Feedback from Newport Schools Minutes: The representative from Southeast Wales Education Achievement Service (EAS) introduced the item, noting that there was no feedback from schools Cluster Conversations this half term but that they have been in communication with schools within the city. The representative from EAS also requested suggestions for schools to come before the forum and share their experiences of good practice in implementing the Religion, Values and Ethics (RVE) curriculum.
The forum suggested that these schools, once identified, could be termed “lead practice schools.” There was discussion concerning the experiences of schools in implementing the curriculum, specifically in the use of videos and online resources to help inform teachers practice. The representative from EAS confirmed that this need not be onerous and that EAS colleagues could support this work.
The forum highlighted the comments of the Welsh Government Cabinet Secretary for Education in a recent report on the importance of considering schools who might need support in developing the new curriculum. The forum asked if there were curriculum maps for RVE that could be shared in the regional consortium.
The representative from EAS responded that there were difficulties in confirming topics among schools, and that EAS were willing and able to help provide specific interventions if necessary. This is intended to be a starting point and can be adapted so that schools can plan their curriculum progressively. The emphasis on design is about discovering novel methods and resources on RVE topics.
The forum asked if the representative could demonstrate what bespoke support is provided to schools. The representative from EAS suggested this could be added to the agenda for the next meeting. The forum noted that this support is changing and evolving.
The forum discussed the influence of pluralism on schools in the city in their implementation of the RVE curriculum. This helps provide a starting point for the curriculum, which is then supplemented by other areas of learning.
The Church in Wales (CiW) Headteacher Representative noted that CiW schools would benefit from looking at the approach of schools like St Andrews, to ensure schools were not solely focused on their own faith background.
The Cabinet Member for Education concurred, stating that the role of the forum is to ensure the roll out of RVE across all schools. The curriculum is explorative, and the oversight of the forum is to ensure best practice.
The representative from EAS raised difficulties between reconciling RVE’s bespoke nature with the principles of the school and how to develop the curriculum. The forum noted the examples of schools within the city.
The representative from Newport Cathedral praised the success of pupils in item 3 of embracing and celebrating difference in the community. This helps pupils develop non-embarrassment about distinctiveness, and the common currency of a good and Godly heritage.
The forum questioned whether secondary schools were working together as primary schools are. The forum also queried whether schools have confidence that they are delivering the curriculum in the right way. The forum also raised concerns that ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
General WASACRE updates Minutes: The representative from EAS informed the forum that minutes will be distributed from the meeting of WASACRE in Wrexham. The forum heard that opportunities for completing the online learning modules from the meeting are still open. There were no questions from the forum.
ESTYN Inspection Feedback Minutes: The representative from the EAS noted that there are schools within the city who are still waiting for their Estyn reports to be circulated. The forum noted that the only feedback provided by Estyn is in the case that the school concerned has received particularly good or poor feedback. This hampers the forum’s work as there is no commentary on RVE despite it being a statutory subject with schools answerable for its administration of RVE. The forum also questioned whether Estyn employs RVE specialist inspectors.
The forum was advised that Section 50 for CiW schools is being revised, but that schools were unaware of what the revision would look like.
The forum questioned whether this could be followed up. The forum noted that unless schools are reporting difficulties, EAS is unable to assist them fully. The forum also questioned whether it is effective in its work without Estyn comments and the local government education framework.
Resources and Professional Learning Minutes: The representative from EAS requested that the committee encourage schools to seek support from EAS. They also asked that newly qualified teachers be directed to EAS to develop support.
The Head of Education questioned whether Philosophy for Children , through the lens of RVE, could be developed as a training package. This was adopted as an action point by the committee.
AOB Minutes: The forum confirmed that the next meeting would take place on the 11th of December 2024.
The forum also wished to pass on their thanks to Mark Rowlands and Heather Vaughan for their work with the committee as they enter retirement.