Contact: Taylor Strange Governance Officer
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair declared an interest on Item 5.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting Additional documents: Minutes: Members discussed the minutes – to access a full recording of the debate and comments made please refer to the Council’s YouTube channel. Democratic meetings / Cyfarfodydd democrataidd.
The Committee accepted the minutes as a true and proper record subject to the amendment of paragraph 4.6 as the date was incorrect with the correct date being 30.01.25
Call-in - Private Sector Housing (HMO) Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Housing and Communities presented the report and summarised the key details.
Members considered the report – to access a full recording of the discussion please refer to the Council’s YouTube channel. Democratic meetings / Cyfarfodydd democrataidd.
Recommendations The Committee were pleased with the progress made in completing the actions noted in the unsatisfactory Audit and asked if a report could be provided in March 2025. The Committee requested that a follow-up report be brought back to Committee in March.
Corporate Safeguarding - Follow-up Report Additional documents:
Minutes: The Strategic Director for Social Services presented the report and summarised the key details. · The outcome of the Audit Review was that there were still a number of outcomes that did not satisfy the recommendations laid out in the 2019 review. · The Management Response showed actions taken by the Local Authority based on the four recommendations laid out by Audit Wales. Audit Wales had been contacted for comments on the Local Authority action plan. · A Local Authority Safeguarding Board would be developed separate to the regional board.
Members considered the report – to access a full recording of the discussion please refer to the Council’s YouTube channel. Democratic meetings / Cyfarfodydd democrataidd.
Recommendations The Committee noted the contents of the report as well as the Management Response. The Committee requested the officers provide a written report on progress at January 2025 Committee.
Corporate Risk Register (Quarter 2) Additional documents: Minutes:
The Performance and Programme Manager presented the report and summarised the key details.
Members considered the report – to access a full recording of the discussion please refer to the Council’s YouTube channel. Democratic meetings / Cyfarfodydd democrataidd.
Recommendation The Committee noted the contents of the report.
Annual Report on Compliments, Comments and Complaints Management 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: The Digital Services Manager and the Complaints Resolution Manager presented the report and summarised the key details.
Members considered the report – to access a full recording of the discussion made please refer to the Council’s YouTube channel. Democratic meetings / Cyfarfodydd democrataidd.
Recommendations The Committee noted the contents of the report.
The Committee recommended that a clear definition of a complaint was provided to elected members and residents and for the compliments, comments and complaints process to be streamlined to make it easier for residents to engage with.
The Committee recommended that further work be done to encourage residents from underrepresented communities to engage with the Council's compliments, comments and complaints process.
An update report on the progress made against the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales 2023/24 Annual Letter recommendations should be brought to Committee in a future meeting.
The Committee recommended that the figures related to missed collection complaints was shared with the public, to contextualise the volumes involved.
Service developments made as a result of complaint analysis and responses to be highlighted in the report.
Improvements in responses to Public Services Ombudsman for Wales (PSOW) should be a focus and included in future reports.
The annual letter from the PSOW should be included in full as an appendix to the report.
Half Yearly Report on Treasury Management for the period 2024/25 Additional documents: Minutes: The Senior Finance Business Partner (Chief Accountant) presented the report and summarised the key details.
Members considered the report – to access a full recording of the discussion please refer to the Council’s YouTube channel. Democratic meetings / Cyfarfodydd democrataidd.
Recommendation The Committee noted the contents of the report. The Committee would like information relating to the returns on directly owned properties.
NCC Financial Sustainability Report Additional documents: Minutes: Audit Wales presented the report and summarised the key details.
Recommendation The Committee noted the contents of the report and awaited the national report in due course.
Audit Wales Q2 Update Additional documents: Minutes: Audit Wales presented the report and summarised the key details
Members considered the report – to access a full recording of the discussion please refer to the Council’s YouTube channel. Democratic meetings / Cyfarfodydd democrataidd.
Recommendation The Committee noted the Audit Wales timetable for Newport City Council.
Audit Enquiries Letter 2023/24 Additional documents: Minutes: Audit Wales presented the report and summarised the key details.
11.1. Members considered the report – to access a full recording of the discussion please refer to the Council’s YouTube channel. Democratic meetings / Cyfarfodydd democrataidd. Recommendations 11.2. The Committee noted the contents of the report.
Internal Audit Plan 2024/25- Progress (Quarter 2) Additional documents: Minutes: The Principal Auditor presented the report and summarised the key details.
Members considered the report – to access a full recording of the discussion please refer to the Council’s YouTube channel. Democratic meetings / Cyfarfodydd democrataidd.
Recommendations The Committee noted the contents of the report. Action plan to be shared as part of quarterly updates. 7. 8. 9. 10. 10.1. 10.2. 10.3. 10.4. More detail on limited and unsatisfactory assessments to be included as part of future reports. Updates on National Fraud Initiatives to be included in future reports. Fraud work to be included as part of the training programme for the Committee.
Long-term Audit Arrangement Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Finance presented the report and summarised the key details.
Members considered the report – to access a full recording of the discussion please refer to the Council’s YouTube channel. Democratic meetings / Cyfarfodydd democrataidd.
Recommendation The Committee noted the contents of the report and supported the proposal subject to the comments raised below to be shared with Cabinet. The Committee asked that the commercial nature of the arrangement be considered. 7. 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. Committee members noted that relevant employment law would be a consideration throughout the process. An update on any changes or amendments to the current list of audits to be conducted or finalised to be shared with the Committee.
Draft Governance and Audit Committee Annual Report 2023/24 Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Finance presented the report and summarised the key details.
Members considered the report – to access a full recording of the discussion made please refer to the Council’s YouTube channel. Democratic meetings / Cyfarfodydd democrataidd. Recommendations The Committee accepted the proposed changes to the report in preparation for approval at full council.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Governance Officer briefed the Committee on the Draft Forward Work Programme.
Members considered the report – to access a full recording of the discussion please refer to the Council’s YouTube channel. Democratic meetings / Cyfarfodydd democrataidd.
Recommendation The Committee accepted the contents of the forward work programme subject to the addition of items highlighted during the Committee.
The Committee queried whether an additional special Committee would be convened in order to sign off the Statement of Accounts. The Head of Finance confirmed this.