Agenda and minutes

Governance and Audit Committee - Thursday, 25th July, 2024 5.00 pm

Contact: Taylor Strange  Governance Officer


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

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1.1          None received.



Declarations of Interest

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2.1   None received.


Minutes of the Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 147 KB

Additional documents:


1.1          The Minutes of the last meeting was agreed subject to the following:  The Minutes made reference to recommendations, but they should be resolutions.

1.2          The Chair pointed out a correction in name of Audit Wales Officer, which should read Sara-Jane Byrne.



Housing Benefit Subsidy Audit pdf icon PDF 183 KB

Additional documents:


1.1          The Strategic Director, Transformation and Corporate gave a brief outline on the report in the absence of the Head of Finance. The Benefits Manager was also present for any technical questions the Committee wished to raise.


1.2          Following the Audit Wales report ‘Grants and Returns Certification Update – Newport City Council’ presented at Governance and Audit Committee in May 2024, this report was requested by the Committee and set out the context of the housing benefit subsidy audit, and the steps being taken to address the matters raised.


1.3          The issues raised by the Committee were regarding increased audit fees in association with the Department Work and Pensions (DWP) claim for housing benefits. The report highlighted the difference between the 20/21 and 21/22 audit fees for Newport against the Wales average. Newport was above the Wales average in relation to the 20/21 audit and the fees increased the following year to reflect this. This was shown on the table on page 26.


1.4          The errors identified in the report, related to claim decisions during the time of the pandemic. Part of this was to facilitate the accommodation of homeless people during the pandemic.


1.5          There was also significant pressure on the team in relation to the number of households in temporary accommodation.


1.6          A series of changes were addressed in the report and improvements were already taking place following the audit, which included restructuring and changes to the systems.


1.7          H Goddard, Audit Wales referred to the 2022/23 audit which was nearing completion and indicated that there had been improvements as outlined in the report. There were still some errors, but this was expected. It was hoped that an update on the recent audit would be provided to Committee in the Autumn.


Comments of Committee Members:


1.8          The Chair said that it was pleasing to see Newport on the right track, with the Welsh Average going up and Newport Average going down.


1.9          Mr Reed referred to the table on page 26, compared to Cardiff and Swansea it looked as though Newport had much higher levels of temporary accommodation than the average. The Housing Benefits Manager advised that this was correct, and that these numbers had increased dramatically in Newport. Mr Reed added that the team had a massive caseload to deliver and in dealing with the extra numbers by comparison to other Local Authorities, more errors were to be expected due to the volumes involved. , The Strategic Director, Transformation and Corporate would contact the Head of Housing and Communities to obtain figures on temporary housing to provide context for the Committee.


1.10       Dr Barry referred to paragraph 8 within the report, and asked how many transactions this represented, and what was the percentage of errors was in context to this figure. The Benefits Manager confirmed that these figures would be provided to the Committee. The Strategic Director, Transformation and Corporate agreed that this was important and would provide percentages for the Committee. It was  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Statement of Accounts 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 2 MB

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1.1          On behalf of the Head of Finance, the Senior Finance Business Partner (Chief Accountant) provided a narrative report to the Governance and Audit Committee on the Statement of Accounts for 2023/24 financial year.


1.2          Whilst the statutory deadline was still 31 May, Welsh Government wrote to all Local Authorities to set out their expectation that the accounts were prepared by 30 June, and the Council had met that deadline. Audit Wales were given a copy of the accounts on 1 July and begun the Audit which would continue over the following months. It was expected that the Committee would be presented with a final set of accounts for approval by the end of November, after the Audit had been concluded.


1.3          There were no new accountancy standards adopted within the 2023/24 accounts. The Council chose not to adopt International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 16 until the mandatory date which was 1 April 2024. There was also little in the way of technical accounting changes to reflect in the accounts.


1.4          All of the members declarations had been received, and thanks was extended to Democratic Services in supporting this.


1.5          Consolidation of Cardiff Capital Region City Deal accounts were required, however, as of 30 June, their draft accounts had not been received. Therefore, consolidation would be done for the final set of accounts.


1.6          These accounts did not include the annual governance statement, this was included as a separate agenda item for the Committee review and comments and would be included within the Final accounts.


1.7          Between the issuing of the draft accounts and the final accounts, the committee was asked to provide questions or comments that they would like to feedback and discuss with the Finance Team by 31 August to be included within the final Statement of Accounts.


1.8          It was also proposed that the committee received a separate review session on the accounts to discuss any feedback or queries ahead of September Committee which would be incorporated into the final set of accounts.


1.9          The Chair added that it was important that the Committee provided feedback this evening or any further comments to be submitted to Finance by 31 August. A review session in September would be extremely helpful to provide constructive feedback when needed.


Comments of Committee Members:


1.10       Dr Barry had a list of questions that would be submitted via email to Finance by the above deadline date.


1.11       Mr Reed referred to the Consolidation of Cardiff Capital Region City Deal accounts and if they were breaking any rules for being late. The Senior Finance Business Partner (Chief Accountant) advised that this was not the first year this had happened and in terms of legislation, as long as they could state the reason that they could not send the accounts in time, this was accepted. The Finance Business Partner (Chief Accountant) would check and confirm this.


1.12       Further to Mr Reed’s query above, the Chair asked if the accounts were signed off for the previous  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Annual Governance Statement pdf icon PDF 117 KB

Additional documents:


1.1          The Strategic Director, Transformation and Corporate introduced the report to the Committee, outlining that the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014 required the Council to conduct an annual review of the effectiveness of its governance framework including systems of internal control. This review must be documented in the Annual Governance Statement (AGS) and be published as part of the Council’s Annual Statement of Accounts 2023/24. The outcomes of the AGS would also inform the Council’s annual self-assessment on its performance arrangements and progress delivering the Council’s Corporate Plan Well-being Objectives as per the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021.


1.2          The Strategic Director, Transformation and Corporate reflected on last year’s statement, taken feedback from previous years, and looked at the actions in this coming financial year. As a result of this, there were thirty-two actions that would be monitored and reported to the Committee during the course of the year.


Comments of Committee Members:


1.3          Dr Barry observed that the strengths were identified but no weaknesses were listed, which made it difficult for the reader to see where the evidence was based against the actions. Dr Barry also considered that the report needed to be clear how the actions directly supported the principles and sub principles. Under ‘C’ on page 158 - Defining outcomes, Dr Barry asked what the feedback was from the challenging reviews and whether this information would come to the Committee. The Strategic Director, Transformation and Corporate advised that this information would be relevant to the respective Performance Scrutiny Committees.


1.4          Dr Barry referred to the table on page 178 and was not assured by the phrase ‘optimised achievements for intended outcomes’. The Performance and Programme Manager advised that this was the principles set by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA).


1.5          Dr Barry referred to page 179 under Principal E ‘Developing the entity’s capacity…’ and felt there was no assurance for the Committee in terms of the actions and outcomes from the asset rationalisation. The Strategic Director, Transformation and Corporate advised that this the asset rationalisation plan would be considered by the Performance Scrutiny Committee, Place and Corporate.


1.6          The Chair felt that the Committee wanted further assurance that this information had been considered and asked for further clarity on the wider governance supporting this. The Strategic Director, Transformation and Corporate suggested that the links to the relevant performance Scrutiny Committees could be inserted in the report to provide clarity for the Committee on the items outside of the scope of Governance and Audit Committee.


1.7          The Strategic Director, Transformation and Corporate also noted the comment regarding identifying weaknesses and suggested that this could be addressed by including what the weakness identified was, and the actions associated with it. and the Strategic Director would discuss with the Performance and Programme Manager how to provide this information.


1.8          The Chair agreed with this approach as it would provide the Committee with the wider context of governance so that they could make  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Audit Wales and Regulatory Bodies Published Reports (December 2023 to June 2024) pdf icon PDF 425 KB

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1.1          The Transformation and Intelligence Manager introduced to the above report highlighting that the Governance and Audit Committee was required under its terms of reference to receive and consider inspection reports from external regulators and inspectors, to make recommendations and, where necessary, monitor implementation and compliance with agreed action plans.


1.2          The Performance and Programme Manager added that there were three external regulators: Audit Wales, Care Inspectorate Wales, and Estyn. Each body was responsible for providing assurance that the Council was fulfilling its statutory duties and providing value to the public.


1.3          This report covered the regulatory reports / inspections completed by each body between December 2023 and June 2024 including a summary of the Council’s response, where applicable, and any additional actions which the Council is undertaking to respond to the recommendations. Also added that a report from His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Probation (HMIP) was also included in the report and any detailed questions would be fed back to relevant officers.


Comments of Committee Members:


1.4          Dr Barry referred to page 213 where it mentioned that ten elected members did not complete cyber security training. The Strategic Director, Transformation and Corporate explained that all members and staff and elected members undertook this training as part of their induction and the report referred to refresher training. The level of risk was lower for elected members than it was for staff due to their access. The Transformation and Intelligence Manager added that regular follow-up training for elected members was taking place.


1.5          Dr[RL(aESM1]  Barry also requested more specific information on the recommendation table in relation to the Digital Strategy Review on pages 208-210. This was noted by the Strategic Director, Transformation and Corporate


1.6          Dr Barry referred to page 223 and page 230 and queried whether the action update fully addressed ESTYN’s recommendations. Dr Barry felt that the report needed to be clear on how it related to the recommendations. This would be fed back to Education Services.


1.7          The Chair referred to page 207, recommendation five, Governance Arrangements and the Planning Committee Protocol. The Chair wished to know if the Committee could see the protocol noted under the action before it was issued The Head of Regeneration and Economic Development advised that the team would consult with Planning Committee first, and this draft would go to the relevant Performance Scrutiny Committee in the first instance, however this could subsequently be shared  with Governance and Audit Committee.


1.8          Mr Reed referred to page 210, recommendation three, ‘it should be noted that all local authorities received the same recommendation from Audit Wales’. This was important to note and gave a good sense of context.




1.9          The Governance and Audit Committee was asked to consider the contents of this report of the Regulatory activity completed.

1.10        The Committee recommendations on the report:


·         Provide more specific information in relation to the Digital Strategy Review on pages 208-210.

·         Provide feedback to Education Services regarding page 223 and page 230 to provide more  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Detailed Audit Plan 2024 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Additional documents:


1.1          H Goddard, Audit Wales introduced the Detailed Audit Plan to the Committee. Audit Wales was required to issue a report on Newport City Council’s financial statements and Group’s financial statements (incorporating Newport Transport Ltd) which included an opinion on their ’truth and fairness’ and the proper preparation in accordance with accounting requirements.


1.2          H Goddard outlined the significant financial statements’ risk referred to on page 267, and the other areas of focus, page 268.


1.3          B Hopkins, Audit Wales went through the key dates for planned outputs for the Committee. Audit Wales would speak to various officers to inform them of any future planning and any immediate feedback. The local work this year included environmental health services. The scope of this work was flexible, therefore, if there was a more immediate risk-based piece of work, then this would be prioritised. Audit Wales would however liaise with the Council if this was the case.


1.4          H Goddard also reminded the Committee the Audit Wales certified grant claims and returns, housing benefits, teacher’s pensions, non-domestic rates claims and money transfers, as well as statutory audit functions that they were required to undertake.


1.5          Page 273 outlined the proposed fees and there was an increase of 6.4% based on the estimate of outturn but subject to change.


1.6          Any additional audit work would be raised with officers and brought to the Committee.


Comments of Committee Members:


1.7          The Chair referred to any thematic reports that might not being taken forward for Newport. B Hopkins, Audit Wales advised that there were capacity issue and that Audit Wales had to accommodate other work. This was outlined in a copy of the letter from the Auditor General.


1.8          With this in mind, the Chair considered that the fees might be reduced. As already mentioned, the letter would outline that there would be the possibility of a refund.


1.9          The Chair also referred to the questionnaire issued to Newport City Council representatives that sat on the Fire and Rescue Service. This needed to be considered further as the organisations were paying for the service under a levy. The Chair felt that the view of the Council as an organisation might be different to the views of individuals appointed to the Board, and this needed to be considered. B Hopkins, Audit Wales advised that all members and former members were sent a survey to complete to provide their perspective. Audit Wales did not include the financial model as part of the scope of this review.


1.9.1     The Chair felt that this was flawed and that it was a wider Council matter and that there was a need to take an organisational feedback approach. The Strategic Director, Transformation and Corporate had not seen the scope of the audit and therefore could not give a view. The Strategic Director asked if Audit Wales could provide further information. B Hopkins, Audit Wales advised that the review was on the governance arrangements and how effective they were and was therefore a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 101 KB

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1.1          The purpose of a forward work programme is to help ensure Committee Members achieve organisation and focus on the undertaking of enquiries through the Governance and Audit Committee function. This report presents the current work programme to the Committee for information and details the items due to be considered at the Committee’s next two meetings.


Comments of Committee Members:


1.2          Mr Reed referred to the number of call-ins in relation to 10.7. It was confirmed that these would come to September’s Committee.




1.3          The Governance and Audit Committee was asked to endorse the proposed schedule for future meetings, confirm the list of people it would like to invite for each item, and indicate whether any additional information or research is required.



Date of Next Meeting

Additional documents:


1.1          The next meeting would take place on 26 September 2024. Noted that Cllr Jordan sent his apologies for September.