Venue: Committee Room 1 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Simon Richards Governance Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Councillors J Mudd, J Hughes and K Thomas.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: None
Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes: The Committee queried whether the minutes for Item 6 – Review of Standing Order, Leader’s Questions accurately reflect the discussion that took place and asked for the recording to be checked to verify the discussion and its outcome.
The minutes of the previous meeting held on 18th March 2024 were accepted as a true and accurate record.
Model Constitution Update Information Update Minutes: The Interim Head of Law and Standards gave an update to the Committee.
The following was discussed:
Register of Interests Information Update Minutes: The Interim Head of Law and Standards gave an overview to the Committee.
The following was discussed:
Member Survey Results In person presentation Minutes: The Deputy Democratic and Electoral Services Manager gave an update to the Committee.
The following was discussed:
· The Committee stated that there needs to be a collective understanding between officers and Members attending ward meetings and suggested that going forward whether it would be possible to plan these meetings 12 months in advance as that would provide a better understanding of topics and would be easier to manage. · The Committee stated that the budget consultation ward meetings were generally poorly attended by the public and felt that more consultation with Members was required to see whether the meeting needed to go ahead, as certain wards held public meetings regularly. The Committee enquired whether a record of attendance was kept for ward meetings and expressed concern at the use of officers’ time for low reward. · The Committee stated that there was short notice for the budget consultation meetings, but this could only be improved upon and hopefully will see greater attendance by the public in future. · The Interim Head of Law and Standards stated that the Committee’s contributions were insightful and raised a concern about the perception of the Council if ward meetings are not held or offered to all wards. They stated that discussions would take place with Members to get their feedback as it could be disheartening for both officers and Members if these meetings are poorly attended. · The Committee stated that social media was a good tool for advertising ward meetings. The Deputy Democratic and Electoral Services Manager informed the Committee that the Budget Consultation was a very tight timeframe, so it posed challenges for planning and advertising meetings in advance but assured the Committee that all their feedback has been the same as the feedback from the Member Survey and had been taken onboard. · The Committee noted that they are supportive of the direction of progress and the commitment of officers to work with individual wards and Members. The Committee looked forward to future updates to see how this had progressed and improved.
Forward Work Programme 2024/2025 Minutes: The Governance Officer informed the Committee that the Meeting Record item has been removed from the Forward Work Programme as it is included within the Model Constitution update. They informed the Committee that the date recorded as March 2024 needs to be amended to March 2025.
Date of next Meeting Date of the next Meeting is Thursday 5th September at 10am |
Webcast of the Committee |