Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet - Wednesday, 18th September, 2024 4.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 1

Contact: Anne Jenkins  Governance Team Leader


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

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None received.


Declarations of Interest

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None received.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 145 KB

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Minutes from 17 July were accepted as a true record.


Revenue Budget Monitor pdf icon PDF 339 KB

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The Leader introduced the Revenue Budget Monitor report to Cabinet, explaining the current forecast position and financial risks and opportunities within the July update.  This was the first revenue monitor presented to Cabinet this financial year.


 Cabinet was asked to allocate the following amounts from the prior year underspend reserve:


·        £400k to fund a project team to implement the replacement of the Welsh Community Care Information System

·        £600k in one-off funding to secondary schools to support them with the cost of examination fees

·        £320k to implement the recommendations of the Customer Services review

·        £10k for road sign replacement

·        £38k to provide free Saturday parking within city centre car parks from the 16 November until the end of December

·        £35k to support city centre master planning.


Comments of Cabinet Members:


  • As Cabinet Member, Councillor D Davies was aware of the financial pressure with schools. The financial impact was challenging however this was not unique to Wales and was being raised with Central Government and Welsh Government. The Cabinet Member highlighted how these challenges were being addressed. The Leader and Councillor D Davies recently visited high schools to discuss the issues they faced and would also be visiting primary schools in the near future.


  • Councillor Adan referred to the pressures on services in relation to housing and homelessness. There was an imbalance with supply and demand opportunities to address this was being looked into.




Cabinet –

§  Noted the overall budget forecast position outlined within the report.

§  Noted the overall shortfall in the delivery of savings accepted as part of the 2024/25 revenue budget.

§  Noted the overall position in relation to schools, acknowledging the risk that further individual deficit positions could emerge by the end of the financial year.

§  Noted the forecast movements in reserves.

§  Approved the recommended reserve transfers, as set out in 4.3 and 4.4.

§  Noted the risks identified throughout the report and in the Head of Finance comments, such as in relation to issues concerning demand for services, and unconfirmed pay awards and Teacher’s pension funding for 2024/25.



Capital Programme Monitoring and Additions Report - July 2024 pdf icon PDF 338 KB

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The Leader presented the first monitoring report of the year on capital activity. It  provided an overview of the updated capital programme, alongside the projected outturn position as of July this year.


Comments of Cabinet Members:


  • Councillor D Davies supported the report and was pleased to see Bassaleg School recently opened with carbon neutrality being integral to its future.  Councillor D Davies was also looking forward to seeing St Andrews Junior School and the new Pillgwenlly School opening soon.




Cabinet –

§  Approved the additions to the Capital Programme requested in the report (Appendix A).

§  Noted the predicted capital expenditure outturn position for 2024/25.

§  Approved the reprofiling of £16.2m from the 2024/25 budget into future years.

§  Noted the available remaining capital resources (‘headroom’) and the earmarked usage of that resourcing.

§  Noted the inclusion of the Treasury Management prudential indicators, included within the report.

§  Approved the use of the headroom as noted in the report.


Corporate Risk Register Update (Quarter 1) pdf icon PDF 234 KB

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The Leader provided an overview of the Council’s register of risks which may prevent the achievement of its strategic priorities and delivery of services to Newport’s communities.


The Governance and Audit Committee would be presented with the quarter 1 update at the end of September. 


Comments of Cabinet Members:


  • Councillor Lacey outlined some of the risks in relation to Social Services and was pleased to note the financial contribution of £160K for the replacement of the WCCIS system.  Newport City Council was the lead procurer for this system, working with the Gwent region.


  • The Leader thanked the Cabinet Member for her leadership around Social Services and also thanked the team in Social Services for their support whilst facing challenges over the recent years.


  • Councillor R Howells referred to the high-risk elements surrounding assets and infrastructure. The Strategic Asset Management Plan should mitigate the risk element.  There were also positive outcomes, such as the Climate Change plan and officers working with Newport Norse addressing backlog and maintenance within the Civic Centre building.




Cabinet considered the contents of the quarter 1 update of the Corporate Risk Register.


Annual Digital Report 2023-24 pdf icon PDF 486 KB

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The Leader presented the report to Cabinet, which provided an update on the Digital Strategy. The strategy was a key component of the delivery of the Council’s Corporate Plan’s and data-driven transformation.


The report was presented to Overview and Management Scrutiny Committee on 26th July 2024.


Comments of Cabinet Members:


  • Councillor Corten mentioned the Council’s new website pages and thanked officers who worked at pace to deliver the pages.


  • Councillor D Davies thanked Education services for disseminating the schools’ cyber response plan, which focused on addressing cyber breaches within schools.  Newport City Council was the first local authority to undertake this regionally.


  • Councillor Adan added that the automation of the housing register applications processes also addressed the backlog and newly submitted applications.  Councillor Adan thanked the Digital and Housing Team for their contribution.


  • The Leader thanked all the teams within the Council who embraced this agenda and the Digital Team.




Cabinet endorsed the Annual Digital Report 2023-24 and proposed actions.


Climate Change Annual Report 2023-24 pdf icon PDF 137 KB

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The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Biodiversity presented the report, which  provided information on the Council’s organisational emissions for 2023/24 as well as updating Cabinet on the projects supporting its decarbonisation efforts.


This was the second full annual report of the Climate Change Plan which was signed off by Cabinet in March 2022.


The Climate Change Plan set out how the Council would reach Net Zero by 2030.


Comments of Cabinet Members:


  • Councillor R Howells mentioned the positive strides in relation to the installation of heat pumps and solar panels across Council buildings. The Council Estates team had worked very hard, and Councillor Howells wanted to thank officers for their contribution.


  • Councillor Corten also wanted to thank residents for their contribution.


  • Councillor Lacey invited CADW to work with the authority in relation to retrofitting to create net zero carbon energy within the Civic Centre.


  • The Leader added that Councillor Forsey was very passionate about climate change and thanked Councillor Forsey for her hard work.




Cabinet reviewed progress and approved the attached Annual Report.


City Centre Leisure and Well-being Development pdf icon PDF 1 MB

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The Cabinet Member for Communications and Culture referred to the Decision by Cabinet to deliver a new leisure and wellbeing facility, which was made in February 2021.


It was hoped that work could commence on the main building by November 2024, with construction expected to take 18 months.  The facility could therefore be finished and opened in summer 2026.


Comments of Cabinet Members:


  • Councillor Corten mentioned some of the new facilities the new leisure centre would offer for visitors and locals and was looking forward to communities using the centre.


  • Councillor Drewett added that it was a positive move and that residents would be really pleased with the new development. The facilities would benefit the communities and businesses within the city centre with increased footfall.


  • Councillor Adan saw it as a revival of Newport and that it was the Council’s pledge to the citizens of Newport.


  • Councillor Clarke mentioned it was key to the regeneration of Newport. Newport Matters had listed the companies that were coming into Newport and added that this would have a positive effect.


  • Councillor D Davies added that the accessibility was what families needed and the design supported diversity and inclusion.  The location was city centric and built by local people.


  • Councillor Forsey commented on the carbon footprint and considered that it was the right approach and was looking forward to development starting soon.




Cabinet –

§  Noted and approved the final details and associated costs of the scheme and authorised the Head of Regeneration and Economic Development to progress the project to completion.

§  Approved an increase in direct Council funding of £600k.


Placemaking Plan: Cross Party Working Group pdf icon PDF 189 KB

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The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Democratic Services advised Cabinet that in January 2024, Newport City Council commenced work to develop a new Placemaking Plan for Newport City Centre. The Cabinet Member proposed that a task and finish group be set up, that sat as a sub-group to the Placemaking Plan Steering Group and was drawn from the wider political representation of the Council to provide cross-party input.


A representative from the cross-party group would be invited to the full Steering Group to ensure the input from the task and finish group was taken into consideration in the development of the Placemaking Plan.


Comments of Cabinet Members:


  • Councillor Drewett supported the proposal as it was essential for wider consultation within political parties.


  • Councillor Adan added that it would unite all political parties and therefore supported the proposal.


  • The Leader agreed with comments and considered that the Council working together would be better able to face challenges. .




Cabinet agreed to the creation of a cross-party task and finish working group to provide input to the development of the new Placemaking Plan for Newport City Centre.  It was agreed that the task and finish group would be chaired by the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Regeneration and operate in accordance with the Terms of Reference attached as Appendix 1.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 103 KB

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This was the regular monthly report on the work programme.




Cabinet agreed the Work Programme.