Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet - Wednesday, 12th April, 2023 4.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 1 - Civic Centre

Contact: Anne Jenkins  Governance Team Leader


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

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Councillor Marshall.


Declarations of Interest

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Minutes of the Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 133 KB

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The Minutes from 22 March were submitted and accepted subject to the following.


§  Councillor Davies referred to Item 7 NCC External Pressures Update - PGT referred to Pupil Development Grant (PDG).


§  Councillor Harvey referred to Item 7 NCC External Pressures Update - Warm Spaces sessions were held during December 2022 to February 2023 not November 2023.



Pay and Reward Statement pdf icon PDF 166 KB

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At this juncture, senior officers left the meeting.


The Senior Solicitor (Litigation) referred to the Localism Act 2011, which required English and Welsh local authorities to produce a “pay policy statement” on an annual basis. The legislation outlined a number of statutory requirements which must be included in any pay policy statement. The Pay and Reward Policy outlined the current position in respect of pay and reward within the Council. This was reviewed and reported to Council on an annual basis to ensure it met the principles of fairness, equality, accountability, and value for money for the authority and its residents. The Pay and Reward Policy 2023/24 was reviewed, and no changes were proposed this year outside of the normal increases in values. It was noted that amendments were made to some provision in 2022/23 with the appropriate Cabinet Member agreement, these amendments were reported to Cabinet and subsequently Council. This statement would come into immediate effect once fully endorsed by Council. In addition to the annual pay policy update, it was requested that Cabinet and then Council considered alignment of the increased annual leave of the NJC pay award, which awarded an additional day’s annual leave to those covered under the NJC pay award from April 2023, to also include chief officers covered for consistency.


The Leader added that the report had two items for recommendation to full Council, which required Cabinet to review and recommend the Pay and Reward Policy and the alignment of Chief Officer Leave to Council.


The Council’s Pay and Reward Policy for the workforce was an annual report that required adoption by the Council. The policy set out the internal mechanisms for remunerating Council officers and provided an update on any changes since the last adoption in 2022.


Any changes that were made during the last 12 months were supported by the correct democratic/officer processes where necessary and were noted in the covering report.


The Council’s gender pay gap continued to compare favourably with other Councils across Wales and the UK and it was anticipated to still be the case when the pay data would be refreshed later this month.  The Leader was also pleased to report that the Council saw a reduction in the ratio of pay between the lowest and highest paid officers, meaning there was less of a gap between them.


The report also outlined how the Council aligned leave of officers, and other terms and conditions, as part of the Councils commitment to a single status in 2015.  In the 2022/23 pay award, all officers, other than Chief Officers, were awarded an additional day’s annual leave as part of the pay award. To ensure the continued commitment to have a single status approach, wherever possible, it was recommended that Chief Officers leave was also aligned to include the additional days leave.


Comments of Cabinet Members:


§  Councillor Batrouni concurred with the two items that were before Cabinet for approval.  As mentioned by the Leader, the multiplier ratio between the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Digital Strategy pdf icon PDF 119 KB

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The next report the Leader presented was the Digital Strategy for 2023 to 2027.  The purpose of the report was to seek Cabinet approval of the new strategy.


This was the Council’s second Digital Strategy, developed at a time when digital technology was increasingly important to service delivery.


The strategy followed the development and agreement of the new Corporate Plan and was developed in line with the Corporate Plan aspirations.  The strategy was developed following extensive engagement with citizens, businesses, employees, and Members of Newport.


The strategy was written around four themes, with actions that supported one or more of the themes:


§  Digital Transformation - We will transform services by the innovative use of digital technology that is effective, easy to use and designed around user needs.


§  Digital Skills and Inclusion - We will develop the digital skills of our citizens, employees, and members plus support improved access to digital technology.


§  Data and Collaboration - We will improve service delivery by better use of data and increased collaboration built on secure systems and processes.


§  Digital Infrastructure and Connectivity - We will drive excellent digital infrastructure and connectivity for the city and for the council.


The strategy was guided by important principles:


§  Innovative – embrace new ways of working and technology

§  Data driven - decisions are made based on sound evidence

§  User centred – users are at the centre of what we do

§  Inclusive – services are available to meet individual needs

§  Collaborative – collaboration internally and externally

§  Secure – systems and data are protected

§  Green – digital technology supports the council’s net zero aspirations


The strategy sets out the council’s vision in how it utilised technology to transform the delivery of services, support improving the well-being of residents, improve digital skills of its residents and enabled businesses to thrive in Newport.

This represents an ambitious digital vision that embraced innovation delivered in partnership with the Shared Resource Service and other key partners.


It recognised the need for continued vigilance to protect the council’s data from cyber-attacks and other threats.


An action plan was developed, and progress would be reported annually in the Digital Report.


Some initial actions of note were:


§  Implementation of the Local Broadband Fund (LBF) project in council adult residential care homes

§  The redevelopment of the council’s website

§  Development of the organisation’s use of data as an asset in conjunction with the Newport Intelligence Hub (NIH)


Comments of Cabinet Members:


§  Councillor Batrouni was very pleased with the Digital Strategy, it was long in the process, with a lot of discussion taking place with colleagues and it was critical for the Council and its services going forward.  The pace of change was ever increasing, and the Cabinet Member for Organisational Transformation wanted to ensure that Newport was at the forefront of local authorities.  A data driven city was a key building block for success and data should be used as an asset.  It was  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


NCC External Pressures - Cost of Living pdf icon PDF 113 KB

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The Leader presented the monthly update on the main external pressures facing the council, businesses, residents, and communities.


Members were aware that the cost-of-living crisis was having a significant impact in the city, compounded by higher food and energy bills affecting many residents and businesses.


Whilst the main drivers of the cost-of-living crisis were outside the control of the council, this report provided information on how the Council was helping to facilitate, coordinate and work with its partners and communities to alleviate some of the impacts.


The Leader urged residents experiencing difficulties to contact the council for information and signposting on the advice and support available, in person, by phone or by visiting its support and advice pages on the website.


Members would see from the report the council was seeing a significant number of enquiries from residents linked to the ongoing pressures following the issuing of council tax bills.


National Non-Domestic rate bills would be issued soon and show the rateable values following the revaluation carried out by the Valuation Office Agency. It was estimated that approximately a quarter of ratepayers would see their bills decrease and a similar number would see an increase.


This report was presented within the context of the Bank of England’s raising interest rates last month, the impact of which was yet to be fully understood.


As Leader of Council and as Chair of our OneNewport partnership, the need for us to work collaboratively was clear.


Newport had strong partnerships, and these continued to help mitigate some of the impacts faced by its residents.


The report detailed some of the interventions facilitated during the period and information on how consultation with residents supported how we worked together during the following period.


The Leader drew Members’ attention to the cost-of-living event in the Riverfront Theatre on 26 April which was being supported by a myriad of partners and organisations offering advice and support to residents with managing finances and maximising income.


Comments of Cabinet Members:


§  Councillor Harvey was looking forward to the event at the Riverfront Theatre on 26 April. Last year’s event was a success with Welsh Water attending and giving financial help to residents.  The cost of living was at the forefront of everyone’s mind and some families were struggling to feed their children and food banks were running out of food. The Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing thanked the Leader for supporting residents by signposting them to the Council and Cabinet Members to provide advice on where to get financial support. Councillor Harvey reiterated that it was important for residents to contact the council and ask for assistance as there was always someone to help and they might not know what they were entitled to financially. Councillor Harvey once again encouraged the public to go to the event at the Riverfront to find out what financial benefit was available.


§  Councillor Davies supported Councillor Harvey’s comments and wanted to focus on children in schools in terms of deprivation. All foundation phase  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 95 KB

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This was the regular monthly report on the work programme. 


Please move acceptance of the updated programme.




Cabinet agreed the Work Programme.