Agenda and minutes

Council - Tuesday, 26th November, 2024 5.00 pm

Venue: Council Chambers - Civic Centre

Contact: Anne Jenkins  Governance Team Leader


No. Item



        i.           To receive any apologies for absence.

      ii.           To receive any declarations of interest.

     iii.           To receive any announcements by the Presiding Member.

Additional documents:


1.i  Apologies


Councillor Jones and B Davies.


1.ii  Declarations of Interest


Councillor Stowell Corten declared an interest under Item 4 as she was a volunteer at the Corn Exchange.


Councillor Adan declared an interest as a ward member of Pill and LEA Governor for Pill Mill.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 180 KB

To confirm and sign the minutes of the last meeting.

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the last meeting held on 24 September 2024 were agreed subject to the following:


Councillor Reeks referred to Item 3: Appointments – There was an issue with the Appointment of a Governor at Mount Pleasant School which had now been resolved.



Appointment of Head of Law and Standards

Additional documents:


Before moving to Item 3, the Presiding Member addressed an urgent item of business which was not on the agenda. That business was the appointment of a Monitoring Officer. This business was urgent because the Council was required to designate a Monitoring Officer in accordance with section 5 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989.


The Head of Law and Standards declared an interest and left the room. The Deputy Monitoring Officer assumed the role of the Monitoring Officer for this item of Council business.


The Presiding Member stated that following a recruitment process which concluded on 25 October 2024, the Appointments Panel of this Council had duly appointed Mike Wallbank as the Council’s Head of Law and Standards. The holder of this position was also usually designated as the Council’s Monitoring Officer, however, as a statutory position, the designation of a Monitoring Officer required a resolution of Full Council.


The Presiding Member therefore invited Council to consider that Mike Wallbank be designated as the Monitoring Officer of this Council.


The Leader proposed the designation of Mike Wallbank as Monitoring Officer and Councillor Evans seconded the proposal.



Council agreed unanimously that Mike Wallbank be appointed as the Monitoring Officer for Newport City Council.


Appointments pdf icon PDF 106 KB

To consider any proposed appointments.

Additional documents:


To consider the proposed appointments set out in the report.


Councillor Drewett moved the appointments set out in the report, as agreed by the Business Managers as set out below.


Councillor Reeks seconded the proposal.


Resolved: That the following appointments be agreed.


Governing Body Appointments


Governing Body



Ysgol Gymraeg Casnewydd


Meirion Rushworth

Bassaleg High School


John Jones

Llanmartin Primary School


Richard Dale

Pentrepoeth Primary School


John Jones

Ringland Primary School


Emma Harris

Ringland Primary School


Early Palmer

Alway Primary School


Kate Blair

Alway Primary School


Dannielle Powell

Jubilee Park Primary School


Jackie Littlejohns

Jubilee Park Primary School


Bev Davies

St Michaels RC Primary School


Michael Allen

St Michaels RC Primary School


Maureen Olsen

Caerleon Comprehensive School


Clare Baker-Westhead

Caerleon Comprehensive School


Lucy Binnersley

Caerleon Lodge Hill Primary School


Clare Baker-Westhead

Caerleon Lodge Hill Primary School


Vivienne Laing

Mount Pleasant Primary School


Christopher Carter

Mount Pleasant Primary School


Chris Reeks

Clytha Park Primary School


Lucy Arthur

Clytha Park Primary School


Christopher Carter


Outside Bodies


Gwent Public Services Board:

Replace Councillor Stowell-Corten with Councillor Adan.


Newport Wastesavers:

Remove Councillor Adan.


Police Issues

30 minutes is allocated for questions to the Gwent Police representative.

Additional documents:


The Presiding Member advised that due to an emergency incident, Chief Inspector Shaun Conway of Gwent Police was unable to attend. The Chief Inspector would however provide an update to be circulated to members for information later that week.


Annual Corporate Wellbeing Self-Assessment 2023-24 pdf icon PDF 120 KB

Additional documents:


The Presiding Member invited Councillor Lacey, Cabinet Member for Social Services to introduce the report, which was a self-assessment of progress against the Corporate Plan and the extent to which it met its statutory requirements outlined in the Local Government Act and Well-being of Future Generations Act.


The report was presented to Cabinet in October and both Overview Scrutiny Management Committee and Governance and Audit Committee in September. Feedback from both committees was considered as part of the report presented.


The Council continued to make good progress against the Corporate Plan objectives but there were continuing risks and challenges across key frontline services in Social Services, Housing and Education services.


The full report would be published on the Council’s website in Welsh and English supported by a summarised version.


Members debated the report – to access a full recording of the debate and comments made please refer to the Council’s YouTube channel. Democratic meetings / Cyfarfodydd democrataidd.


Councillor D Davies seconded the proposal.



Council approved the Council’s Self-Assessment Report for 2023-24.


Strategic Equalities Plan Annual Report 2023-24 pdf icon PDF 155 KB

Additional documents:


The Presiding Member introduced Councillor Drewett, Cabinet Member for Communities and Poverty to present the report, which represented the final report on the Council’s third Strategic Equalities Plan (SEP).


The report highlighted significant achievements and detailed the progress made during 2023-24 and throughout the delivery of this plan. It was a historic look back at the actions undertaken.


Both Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee reviewed the draft report, and their comments were included in the report.



The Leader and Strategic Equalities Group, including Member Champions, were instrumental in ensuring the Council met its statutory duties under the Equality Act and supporting the Council’s equality work internally, within service delivery and communities across Newport.


Councillor D Davies seconded the proposal.


To access a full recording of the comments made by elected members please refer to the Council’s YouTube channel. Democratic meetings / Cyfarfodydd democrataidd.



Council unanimously approved the attached Strategic Equalities Annual Monitoring Report for 2023-24.


Gwent Regional Partnership Board Annual Report/Plan pdf icon PDF 183 KB

Additional documents:


The Presiding Member invited Councillor Lacey, Cabinet Member for Social Services to present the report which provided a strategic overview of the work of the Regional Partnership Board in delivering against their agreed priorities, which were:


o   To improve care and support, ensuring people had more say and control.

o   To improve outcomes and health and wellbeing for people across the region

o   Provide co-ordinated, person-centred care and support.

o   Make more effective use of resources, skills, and expertise across partners.


Whilst this was a regional report, most of the work undertaken was cross cutting and was relevant to Newport. Key developments were also set out within the report. The use of Grant funding was included for information in (Appendix B) The Annual Report was also submitted to Welsh Government.


Councillor Lacey thanked the previous Cabinet Member, Councillor J Hughes as Cabinet Member during the time this report was prepared and for his leadership and contribution.


Councillor D Davies seconded the proposal.


Members debated the report – to access a full recording of the debate and comments made please refer to the Council’s YouTube channel. Democratic meetings / Cyfarfodydd democrataidd.



Council accepted the Annual Report of the regional partnership board.


Air Quality Action Plan Adoption 2024-25 pdf icon PDF 897 KB

Additional documents:


The Presiding Member invited Councillor Forsey, Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Biodiversity to present the report on the updated Air Quality Action Plan for the five-year period which set out the measures and approaches that could be taken to achieve sustainable compliance with the air quality objective for nitrogen dioxide emissions.


The council currently had 11 Air Quality Management Areas due to historically elevated levels of nitrogen dioxide. Where a council had Air Quality Management Areas in place it was obliged to produce a plan that described how improvements would be made.


It was noted that in recent years the air quality in the city generally, and these Air Quality Management Areas had improved, and were headed towards a state of “ongoing compliance” for air quality. These improvements were supported by the work of the community groups and actions from services within the council.


Councillor R Howells seconded the proposal.


Members debated the report – to access a full recording of the debate and comments made please refer to the Council’s YouTube channel. Democratic meetings / Cyfarfodydd democrataidd.



Council adopted the Newport City Council 2024-2029 Air Quality Action Plan.


Climate Change Annual Report 2023-24 pdf icon PDF 129 KB

Additional documents:


The Presiding Member invited Councillor Forsey, Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Biodiversity to present the Second full annual report of the Climate Change Plan which was signed off by Cabinet in March 2022.


The Climate Change Plan set the Council’s ambition for Net Zero achievement by 2030.


NCC Emissions this year have increased by 2.76% or 1,115 tonnes.


This has primarily been driven by a 4.76% (1,216 tonnes) increase in procurement emissions – caused by a 15.47% increase in procurement spending. –Sourcing accurate emissions data for a number of our largest suppliers meant that the emissions impact of the increased spend was minimised.


Councillor Forsey also listed the key themes outlined in the report to council colleagues.


Councillor D Davies seconded the proposal.


To access a full recording of the comments made by elected members please refer to the Council’s YouTube channel. Democratic meetings / Cyfarfodydd democrataidd.



Council reviewed progress and approved the Climate Change Annual Report.


Democratic Services Annual Report pdf icon PDF 159 KB

Additional documents:


The Presiding Member invited Councillor Routley, Chair of Democratic Services Committee presented the report, which covered the period from November 2023 to August 2024.


Under this period, the Committee considered changes to the Constitution regarding the budget setting process. The committee also considered the Scheme of Delegation for Assets and recommended these changes to full Council.


One of the committee’s key roles was to ensure that elected members had access to a reasonable level of training and development and during the reporting period, the committee received an update on member training and provided recommendations for future development opportunities for members.


The Committee also received and noted both the draft and final allowance scheme under the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) annual report and noted the proposals for members’ allowances effective from May 2024.


The Chair took the opportunity to thank the committee members and officers for their work during this period and look forward to delivering the work programme of the Committee during 2025.


Councillor Hourahine seconded the proposal.



Council received and noted the Democratic Services Committee’s Annual Report for 2023-24.


Dissolution of Redwick Community Council pdf icon PDF 117 KB

Additional documents:


The Presiding Member invited Councillor Clarke, the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Democratic Services, to present the report. The report outlined the processes and outcomes associated with this decision and was prepared by the Head of Law and Standards, in consultation with key stakeholders, including Redwick Community Council and the Head of Finance.


This report followed the community poll held on 21 March 2024, in which a clear majority of Redwick residents voted in favour of dissolution. With a turnout of 57.7%, 93% of voters supported the initiative, demonstrating the community's preference for change.


The proposed dissolution would take effect on 31 March 2025. The Community Council made arrangements to transfer its assets to the Redwick Community Group, which continued to provide many of the services currently provided by the Community Council. Officers reviewed all financial and other affairs and were satisfied that appropriate and lawful arrangements were made with regard to these, including the making up of the Community Council’s accounts to the end of the financial year. It was not proposed that any assets or liabilities would revert to Newport City Council as the principal council and therefore there were no implications for Newport City Council of approving this proposal.


In view of the clear outcome of the community poll and on the advice of the Monitoring Officer, the recommendation of the report was to approve this resolution.


Councillor Kellaway seconded the proposal.


Members debated the report – to access a full recording of the debate and comments made please refer to the Council’s YouTube channel. Democratic meetings / Cyfarfodydd democrataidd.



Council unanimously approved the dissolution of Redwick Community Council under Part 3: Terms of Reference of the Constitution.


Questions to the Leader of the Council

To provide an opportunity for Councillors to ask questions to the Leader of the Council in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders.



No more than 15 minutes will be allocated at the Council meeting for questions to the Leader of the Council.


The question must be addressed through the Mayor or the person presiding at the meeting and not directly to the person being questioned.

Additional documents:


Leader’s announcements


White Ribbon Accreditation

·        I joined many of you yesterday morning as we marked the day by raising the White Ribbon flag outside the Civic.

·        The theme of White Ribbon Day this year is ‘it starts with men’ and it is vital that men hold themselves accountable to women, and each other, to bring about a change in harmful behaviour as we want to prevent men’s violence before it can begin.


Festive Newport and footfall

·        Newport is definitely getting into the festive spirit and people are flocking to the city centre in their thousands.

·        Saturday’s Countdown to Christmas event saw 2,000 more people attend compared to last year’s already very popular event.

·        The whole of that week also saw amazing footfall with figures up 20 per cent on the previous week and up 12 per cent on the same week last year.

·        Partners at Friars Walk also recorded double the footfall of a normal Saturday, and worth noting that, bar the Debenhams unit, Friars Walk is currently at full capacity.

·        More than 60 per cent of city centre businesses are independent - we are proud of that offer and the experience it means Newport can offer.

·        And there is so much more to head into the city centre for over the coming weeks as all our Festive Newport activities ramp up.

·        Highlights:

o   Winter wonderland now open with real ice rink, rides and festive food.

o   Free parking on Saturdays in council city centre car parks until the end of December


Placemaking big ideas

·        Over the summer we have connected with over 1,000 locals through digital surveys, public face-to-face engagement and focus groups.

·        From that we have now have an initial sixty big ideas - developed from suggestions made by residents


Young carers covenant

·        Newport City Council and Barnardo’s have signed up to the Young Carers Covenant – a commitment by the council to provide a fair future for children and young people who are caring for a loved one.


Antenatal scheme

·        I was really pleased to go along to the launch of a new antenatal support service now being offered by our early years’ prevention and inclusion team, in partnership with Aneurin Bevan University Health Board.

·        It is part of the “first 1,000 days” offer for children, from during pregnancy and up to the age of two.

·        Council teams provide support over a lifetime, starting with the very youngest residents. It is well documented that the first 1,000 days of life, during pregnancy and up to the age of two, are crucial as they have the greatest potential for improving outcomes for that child and increases their opportunities over their life.

Heat networks

·        Newport City Council will be funding feasibility work into establishing low carbon heat networks within the city.

·        Heat networks can help to provide local energy security and less reliance on fossil fuels, which will help us in our work to decarbonise Newport and are a key tool in helping us become a carbon-neutral city by  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.


Questions to the Cabinet Members

To provide an opportunity to pose questions to Cabinet Members in line with Standing Orders.



No more than 10 minutes will be allocated at the Council meeting for questions to each Cabinet Member.


Members must submit their proposed questions in writing in advance in accordance with Standing Orders.  If members are unable to ask their question orally within the allocated time, remaining questions will be answered in writing.  The question and response will be appended to the minutes.


The question must be addressed through the Mayor or the person presiding at the meeting and not directly to the person being questioned.


Questions will be posed to Cabinet Members in the following order:


        i.           Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education and Early Years

      ii.           Cabinet Member for Community and Wellbeing

     iii.           Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning, Regulation and Housing

    iv.           Cabinet Member for Social Services

      v.           Cabinet Member for Organisational Transformation

    vi.           Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Bio-Diversity

   vii.           Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Assets

Additional documents:


Question 1: Question to Cabinet Member for Assets and Infrastructure


Councillor Chris Reeks:

At September’s full council meeting we were informed that the report by the Burns Commission would be adopted by the council. Amongst the many measures in the report that the Welsh Government are keen to press ahead with is the removal of the Old Green Roundabout. This is however despite the public consultation largely disagreeing with this change to the infrastructure. Ironically The Old Green Roundabout was originally built in the 1970s to ease the queues of traffic heading into the city centre, but there is a high probability now that should the measure be implemented and the roundabout removed that we would revert back to gridlocked roads and daily traffic chaos with vehicles entering the city. Can the cabinet member reassure us that before proceeding with any changes, that the proposals will be reviewed with extreme caution, that the views expressed in the public consultations will be taken into account and all alternatives will be explored to ensure the smooth flow of people into the city whose only means of transport may be by car.


Response from Councillor Rhian Howells:

The Newport Central Enhancements encompass improvements at the rail station as well as Old Green. The Burns Commission recommendations report in 2020 confirmed that the Old Green project can be achieved without an unacceptable impact on general traffic. This project will see tens of millions of pounds of investment coming into the centre of Newport to modernise and update our infrastructure, for example to accommodate cycle lanes and more amenity space. Three options were produced for public consultation and the preferred option resulting from the public consultation was the ‘balance of benefits’ option, and that is now being progressed.


The preferred option provides the greatest benefits for walking and cycling, whilst also performing the best operationally for buses and general traffic. This is supported by the detailed traffic modelling undertaken by Transport for Wales in progressing this project.

I can assure Councillor Reeks that conversations with stakeholders are ongoing, and where issues have been raised and practical workable solutions can be found, we will look to accommodate these. As part of the Burns Delivery Group, we will continue to be engaged with the various projects and will ensure that they achieve the best results for Newport.


This concluded the meeting.