Agenda and minutes

AGM, Council - Tuesday, 21st May, 2024 5.00 pm

Venue: Council Chambers - Civic Centre

Contact: Anne Jenkins  Governance Team Leader


No. Item



i)          Apologies for absence

ii)         Declarations of Interest

iii)        To receive any announcements by the Presiding Member

Additional documents:


1.i  Apologies


Councillors Evans, Baker-Westhead, Cleverly and Perkins.


1.ii  Declarations of Interest


Nominees declared their interests when their appointments were voted upon.


1.iii  Presiding Member’s Announcements


No announcements.


Appointment of Strategic Director for Social Services

To consider the recommendation of the Appointments Sub-Committee.

Additional documents:


The Leader advised Council that Tanya Evans was recommended by the Appointments Sub-Committee as the new Strategic Director for Social Services.


This was seconded by Councillor Routley



That Council appointed Tanya Evans as the Strategic Director for Social Services.


Appointment to the Presiding Member

Additional documents:


The Presiding Member declared an interest and left the meeting at this juncture.


The Monitoring Officer invited nominations for the Presiding Member. 


The Leader nominated Councillor Paul Cockeram to continue the role of Presiding Member, with no further nominations.


This was seconded by Councillor Drewett.



That Council appointed Councillor Cockeram as the Presiding Member.


Appointment to the Deputy Presiding Member

Additional documents:


The Presiding Member nominated Councillor Screen to be the Deputy Presiding Member with no further nominations.


This was seconded by Councillor Drewett.



That Council appointed Councillor Screen as the Deputy Presiding Member.


Appointment to the Leader of the Council

To make an appointment to the post of Leader of the Council.


The Leader as elected may then announce his or her appointments of Cabinet Members if he or she wishes.

Additional documents:


The Presiding Officer invited a member from the majority party to move the appointment of Leader of the Council. 


Councillor Mudd nominated Councillor Dimitri Batrouni.


This was seconded by Councillor Reeks.



That Councillor Dimitri Batrouni be appointed as Leader of the Council.


The Leader, as elected announced his appointment of Cabinet Members, portfolios attached as Appendix 1:


Cabinet Member



Councillor Dimitri Batrouni

Deputy Leader / Education and Early Years

Councillor Deb Davies

Social Services

Councillor Laura Lacey

Regeneration and Democratic Services

Councillor James Clarke

Housing and Planning

Councillor Saeed Adan

Communications and Culture

Councillor Emma Stowell-Corten

Climate Change

Councillor Yvonne Forsey

Assets and Infrastructure

Councillor Rhian Howells

Communities and Poverty Reduction

Councillor Pat Drewett


Council Business Manager – Councillor Drewett

Group Chief Whip – Councillor Beverly Perkins


Councillor Reeks, as Deputy Leader of the Opposition group then announced the Shadow appointments.


Opposition Spokespersons – Conservative Group:


Opposition Cabinet Member



Councillor Matthew Evans

Deputy Leader / Education and Early Years

Councillor David Fouweather

Social Services

Councillor Martyn Kellaway

Regeneration and Democratic Services

Councillor Matthew Evans

Housing and Planning

Councillor William Routley

Communications and Culture

Councillor Chris Reeks

Climate Change

Councillor John Jones

Assets and Infrastructure

Councillor Ray Mogford

Communities and Poverty Reduction

Councillor Chris Reeks




Appointments to Chairs of Committees

To appoint chairs to the Planning and Licensing Committees, Scrutiny Committees and the Democratic Services Committee.

Additional documents:


Following nominations by the Leaders of their respective parties, and the nominations having been duly seconded, it was Resolved that the following Committee Chair appointments be agreed by Council:


Chair of Committee


Presiding Member

Councillor Paul Cockeram

Planning Committee

Councillor Mark Spencer

Licensing Committee

Councillor Kate Thomas

Democratic Services Committee

Councillor William Routley

Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee

Councillor Phil Hourahine

Performance Scrutiny Committee – Partnerships

Councillor John Reynolds

Performance Scrutiny Committee – People

Councillor David Fouweather

Performance Scrutiny Committee – Place and Corporate

Councillor Mark Howells

(The nominated persons listed above declared an interest in this item and did not vote on their specific appointments).



Appointments to Committees

To give effect to appointments of members to committees by the political groups.

Additional documents:


The Council gave effect to appointments to Committees by the political groups.


Each Group Leader agreed to pass the appointments of members to the Committee to the Proper Officer for recording in the Minutes. 


The following allocation of Committee seats was confirmed:


Planning Committee

Labour (Chair)

Councillor Mark Spencer

Labour (Deputy Chair)

Councillor Malcolm Linton                           


Councillor Bev Perkins                         


Councillor Gavin Horton


Councillor Trevor Watkins


Councillor John Reynolds                   


Councillor Tim Harvey                                                      


Councillor John Jones


Councillor William Routley

Newport Independent Party

Councillor Jason Jordan

Lliswerry Independent Group

Councillor Mark Howells


Licensing Committee

Labour (Chair)

Councillor Kate Thomas


Councillor Matthew Pimm


Councillor Allan Screen


Councillor Alex Pimm


Councillor Farzina Hussain


Councillor Debbie Harvey


Councillor John Harris


Councillor David Fouweather


Councillor Martyn Kellaway

Newport Independent Party

Councillor Janet Cleverly

Lliswerry Independent Group

Councillor Allan Morris


Governance Audit Committee


Councillor Gavin Horton


Councillor Bev Perkins


Councillor John Reynolds


Councillor David Fouweather

Newport Independent Party

Councillor Jason Jordan

Lliswerry Independent Group

Councillor Mark Howells

Lay Members*

Gareth Chapman

Don Reed

Dr Norma Barry

* Chair to appointed by the Committee


Democratic Services Committee

Conservative (Chair)

Councillor William Routley


Councillor Trevor Watkins


Councillor Stephen Cocks                                 


Councillor Jane Mudd                                          


Councillor Phil Hourahine                                       


Councillor Kate Thomas                                       


Councillor Tim Harvey                                                          


Councillor Beverly Perkins

Lliswerry Independent Group

Councillor Andrew Sterry

Independent Members



Scrutiny Committees:


Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee

Labour (Chair)          

Councillor Phil Hourahine


Councillor Claire Baker-Westhead


Councillor Debbie Jenkins


Councillor Malcolm Linton


Councillor John Harris


Councillor Stephen Cocks


Councillor David Mayer


Councillor Matthew Evans

Lliswerry Independent Group


Green Party

Lauren James


Performance Scrutiny Committee - Partnerships

Labour (Chair)

Councillor John Reynolds


Councillor Farzina Hussain


Councillor Paul Bright


Councillor Stephen Marshall 


Councillor Allan Screen


Councillor Jason Hughes                                   


Councillor Bev Davies                     


Councillor John Jones

Newport Independent Party



Performance Scrutiny Committee – People

Conservative (Chair)

Councillor David Fouweather


Councillor Matthew Pimm                             


Councillor Bev Davies                         


Councillor Stephen Marshall                                  


Councillor Debbie Jenkins                          


Councillor Trevor Watkins


Councillor David Mayer                                              


Councillor Debbie Harvey    

Newport Independent Party

Councillor Janet Cleverly

Welsh Liberal Democrats

Councillor Carmel Townsend


Performance Scrutiny Committee – Place and Corporate

Lliswerry Independent Group (Chair)

Councillor Mark Howells


Councillor Malcolm Linton                        


Councillor Alex Pimm                                               


Councillor Paul Bright                                       


Councillor Matthew Pimm 


Councillor Gavin Horton                                        


Councillor Allan Screen


Councillor Kate Thomas                                       


Councillor Chris Reeks

Newport Independent Party

Councillor Janet Cleverly


Standards Committee


Councillor Paul Cockeram


Councillor Jane Mudd


Councillor William Routley

Co-opted Members

Andrew Mitchell (Chair)

Kerry Watkins (Vice Chair)

John Davies (CC Rep)

Richard Morgan

Gill Nurton

Dr Paul Worthington


SACRE: The Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education


Councillor Deb Davies

Labour appointment

Councillor Farzina Hussain

Labour appointment

Councillor Saeed Adan

Labour appointment

Councillor Pat Drewett

Conservative appointment

Councillor David Fouweather


Greater Gwent Cremation Joint  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Appointments to External Bodies

To give effect to appointments of members to external bodies

Additional documents:


The Council gave effect to appointments of members to external bodies.


Each Group Leaders agreed to pass the appointments to Outside Bodies and members with Special Responsibilities to the Proper Officer for recording in the Minutes, as outlined in the Appendix 2 below.




To consider any proposed appointments.

Additional documents:


Councillor Reeks requested approval for special dispensation grant in line with Section 85 of the Local Government Act 1972 for Councillor Matthew Evans’ continued absence beyond six months due to ill-health.



Councill agreed to Special Dispensation for Councillor Evans.



The meeting will adjourn following consideration of the above items and will reconvene for the following items no earlier than 5.45pm.

Additional documents:


Councillors took a short break whilst the Council Chambers were prepared for the Inauguration of the Mayor.


Inauguration and Robing Ceremony of the Mayor for the year 2024 to 2025

Additional documents:


Council resumed and the Mayor Elect, Councillor Raymond Mogford was sworn in as the new Mayor of Newport for the year 2024/25.


Councillor Chris Reeks was sworn in as the Deputy Mayor of Newport for the year 2024/25.


Appendix 1 - Cabinet Member Portfolios

Additional documents:



Councillor Dimitri Batrouni

·        All financial matters

·        Performance

·        Corporate Planning

·        Public Relations and contact with the press for city wide issues

·        Mayoral and corporate events

·        Cabinet Member development

·        Economic Development (Strategic)

·        Major projects (oversight)

·        Key cities

·        Transformation

·        Digital

·        Intelligence Hub

·        South East Wales Corporate Joint Committee

·        Constitutional issues

·        Council tax benefits

·        The Council’s face-to-face centre and the Contact Centre


Deputy Leader / Education and Early Years

Councillor Deb Davies

·        Education services including EAS

·        Schools

·        Early years, including prevention and inclusion

·        School catering

·        Music services

·        Education inclusion

·        Looked After Children in school settings

·        Parental rights

·        Strategies for reducing the number of young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs)

·        To develop strategies to develop prospects and training to help young people into jobs or to start and develop a business

·        Member development

·        Flying Start

·        Families First

·        Any corporate HR policies including Health and Safety

·        Organisational Development


Social Services

Councillor Laura Lacey

·        Children and Family Services including Looked After Children

·        Safeguarding

·        Domestic Abuse

·        Child protection

·        Youth offending

·        Integrated family support

·        Crisis support

·        Fostering

·        Services for disabled children

·        Care in the community for older people

·        Third sector strategic issues

·        Substance misuse

·        Occupational therapy

·        Frailty strategies

·        Mental health

·        Learning disability

·        Residential services to older people

·        Homecare

·        Disabled Facilities Grants

·        Supported living

·        Supporting People


Regeneration and Democratic Services

Councillor James Clarke

·        Strategic Planning

·        Regeneration

·        Economic Development (Operational)

·        Major projects (Operational)

·        Democratic Services

·        Electoral Services

·        Legal and registration services

·        Procurement

·        Work and Skills


Housing and Planning

Councillor Saeed Adan

·        Planning and development services

·        Local development plan, other than reserved for Council

·        Housing

·        Licensing, other than those reserved to Council or the licensing committee

·        Public protection

·        Trading standards

·        Taxis

·        HMOs and Enforcement


Communications and Culture

(and Biodiversity Champion)

Councillor Emma Stowell-Corten

·        Tourism

·        Culture and heritage

·        Publicity and PR relations

·        Internal comms

·        Sports

·        Residual matters with the sports and leisure trust, Newport LIVE, including the Riverfront Theatre and Arts centre

·        Strategies for Public Engagement


Climate Change

Councillor Yvonne Forsey

·        Carbon Reduction Strategy

·        Sustainable Travel Plan

·        Waste disposal

·        Refuse

·        Recycling and sustainability

·        Green services

·        Cemeteries & Crematorium

·        Parks

·        Environmental Health

·        Street cleaning


Assets and Infrastructure

Councillor Rhian Howells

·        Highways

·        Drainage

·        Traffic matters

·        Regional transport

·        Transport and access to the city, not including Newport Transport Bus Company or any other providers

·        Integrated transport

·        Road safety

·        Civil contingencies

·        Assets

·        Any policy issues relating to property or the Council’s relationship with NORSE as it relates to any property matters

·        Any land and property acquisitions and disposals not delegated to the Head of  People, Policy & Transformation


Communities and Poverty Reduction

(and Business Manager)

Councillor Pat Drewett

·        Communities First

·        The anti-poverty agenda

·        Socio-economic duty

·        Welsh Church Fund

·        Housing Benefits

·        Future Generations

·        Adult education

·        Library services

·        Youth services

·        Play development

·        All matters relating to Community Centres

·        Community Safety (strategic)

·        Voluntary Organisations

·        Any policies relating to Equalities not reserved to Cabinet or Council





Appendix 2 - Outside Bodies

Additional documents:


Board / Representative



Aneurin Bevan University Health Board


Mark Spencer

Welsh Labour



Kate Thomas

Welsh Labour


Arts Council for Wales: SE Wales Region


Emma Stowell Corten

Welsh Labour


Books Council for Wales


Pat Drewett

Welsh Labour


IDD (Internal Drainage District) for Caldicot, Wentlooge and the Lower Wye


Phil Hourahine




Ray Mogford (Reserve)




Trevor Watkins (Reserve)




Yvonne Forsey




Stephen Cocks







South East Wales Corporate Joint Committee

Formerly Cardiff Capital Region City Deal Joint Committee


Dimitri Batrouni

Welsh Labour



Deb Davies (Deputy)

Welsh Labour


South East Wales Corporate Joint Committee Regional Transport Board


Rhian Howells

Welsh Labour


South East Wales Corporate Joint Committee Strategic Development Plan


James Clarke

Welsh Labour


South East Wales Corporate Joint Committee Governance and Audit Board


Phil Hourahine

Welsh Labour


South East Wales Corporate Joint Committee Scrutiny


Yvonne Forsey

Welsh Labour



Allan Screen



Compound Semi Conductor (CSC) Foundry (CCRC)


Deb Davies

Welsh Labour


Charitable Trusts Panel


Pat Drewett

Welsh Labour



Kate Thomas

Welsh Labour



Mark Spencer

Welsh Labour



Paul Cockeram

Welsh Labour



William Routley

Welsh Conservative


Citizens Advice Bureau


Paul Cockeram

Welsh Labour





Community Chest Local Panel


Deb Davies

Welsh Labour



Pat Drewett

Welsh Labour



Mark Spencer

Welsh Labour


Llais (formerly Community Health Council, Newport Committee)


Deb Davies

Welsh Labour



Pat Drewett

Welsh Labour



Mark Spencer

Welsh Labour


Consortium of Local Authorities in Wales


Dimitri Batrouni

Welsh Labour


Credit Union


Pat Drewett

Welsh Labour


EAS – Company Board


Debbie Jenkins

Welsh Labour



Laura Lacey

Welsh Labour


EAS – Audit and Risk Assurance Committee


Claire Baker-Westhead

Welsh Labour



Phil Hourahine

Welsh Labour


EAS Commissioning Group


Paul Bright

Welsh Labour



Pat Drewett

Welsh Labour


East Newport Social Care Centre


Laura Lacey

Welsh Labour


Fairness Commission


Stephen Cocks

Welsh Labour



David Fouweather



Food Waste Treatment Partnership


Laura Lacey

Welsh Labour



Yvonne Forsey

Welsh Labour


Foster Panel


Laura Lacey

Welsh Labour


Frailty Project Joint Committee


Laura Lacey

Welsh Labour


Friends of Newport Transporter Bridge


Emma Stowell-Corten

Welsh Labour


Greater Gwent Archives Joint Committee


David Mayer

Welsh Labour



Claire Baker-Westhead

Welsh Labour


Greater Gwent Cremation Joint Committee


Rhian Howells

Welsh Labour



Yvonne Forsey

Welsh Labour


Growing Space


Trevor Watkins

Welsh Labour


Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisations Local Committee


Pat Drewett

Welsh Labour


Gwent Level Wetlands Reserve


Yvonne Forsey

Welsh Labour


Gwent Police and Crime Panel


Farzina Hussain

Welsh Labour



Gavin Horton

Welsh Labour



Deb Jenkins

Welsh Labour


Gwent Public Services Board Scrutiny Committee


Emma Stowell Corten

Welsh Labour



Farzina Hussain

Welsh Labour


Indoor Bowling Association




Trevor Watkins

Welsh Labour


Jerome Gatehouse Collection Trust




Mark Spencer

Welsh Labour


Joint Council for Wales




Dimitri Batrouni

Welsh Labour



Deb Davies

Welsh Labour


Living Levels Board


Rhian Howells

Welsh Labour



Yvonne Forsey

Welsh Labour






Monmouthshire and Brecon Canal Joint Steering Group


David Mayer

Welsh Labour



Pat Drewett

Welsh Labour



Phil Hourahine

Welsh Labour


Newport Harbour Commission


Trevor Watkins

Welsh Labour


Newport Live Board


Yvonne Forsey

Welsh Labour



Pat Drewett

Welsh Labour


Newport Now BID




Dimitri Batrouni

Welsh Labour


Newport Transport Board


Allan Screen

Welsh Labour



James Clarke

Welsh Labour



Bev Davies

Welsh Labour



Mark Spencer  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13.