Agenda and minutes

Council - Tuesday, 26th September, 2023 5.00 pm

Venue: Council Chambers - Civic Centre

Contact: Anne Jenkins  Governance Team Leader


No. Item



        i.           To receive any apologies for absence.

      ii.           To receive any declarations of interest.

     iii.           To receive any announcements by the Presiding Member.

Additional documents:


1.i Apologies

Councillors Linton, Jordan, James, Hughes and Fouweather.


1.ii Declarations of Interest

None received.


1.iii Presiding Member’s Announcements


The Presiding Member reflected that some members had left the last Council meeting early.  The Presiding Member noted that he had observed this also happening during other meetings too. The Presiding Member requested that members stay until the end of the meeting or convey their apologies to the organiser before the meeting if they must leave early.


The Presiding Member also noted that the item for Leader’s Questions at the previous Council meeting had fallen slightly short of the allocated time and apologised for this.  The Presiding Member noted that there was a new clock in place to monitor timed agenda items to prevent further errors.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 198 KB

To confirm and sign the minutes of the last meeting.

Additional documents:


Minutes of the previous meeting 18 July 2023 were accepted subject to the following.


Councillor Evans referred to Item 2: Minutes of the Previous Meeting and his previous request that minutes needed to be circulated in a timelier manner and not when the agenda was circulated.  Councillor Evans also requested that the Presiding Member look into this, however this was not recorded.  The Minutes from 18 July were again circulated on 20 September. The Presiding Member apologised and would look into Councillor Evans’ request.


Councillor Evans referred to Item 11: Questions to the Leader of the Council, Welsh Government priorities, where it was recorded that he referred to the sum of £1.5m for street signs alone and Councillor Evans could not recall if he had said that the Council was given £600,000 or spent £32M on signs but this was inaccurate.


Appointments pdf icon PDF 98 KB

To consider any proposed appointments.

Additional documents:


To consider the proposed appointments set out in the report.


Councillor Clarke moved the appointments set out in the Report, as agreed by the Business Managers as  set out below.


Councillor Reeks seconded the report.


Resolved: That the following appointments be agreed.


Governing Body Appointments


Governing Body

Appointments/ Resignations


Glan Lyn Primary School


Howard Mason

Glan Lyn Primary School


Martyn Kellaway

Glasllwch Primary School


Allan Hyland

Jubilee Park Primary School


Jackie Littlejohns

Jubilee Park Primary School


David Hopkins

Jubilee Park Primary School


John Reynolds

Bassaleg School


Chris Lacey

Llanwern High School


Kath Bevan

Crindau Primary School


Gill Lee

High Cross Primary School


Chris Reeks

Ysgol Gyfun Gwent Is Coed


Lona Jones-Campbell

Eveswell and Somerton Primary School


Alex Pimm

Maes Ebbw School


Dimitri Batrouni

Maes Ebbw School


Stephen Marshall

Jubilee Park Primary School


Elizabeth Thomas

Jubilee Park Primary School


Chris Lacey

Jubilee Park Primary School


Martin Bentley

Bassaleg School


Gavin Horton

Llanwern High School


Mandy Shide

Crindau Primary School


Colin Seeney

High Cross Primary School


John Reynolds

St Joseph’s RC Primary School


Alex Pimm




Police Issues

30 minutes is allocated for questions to the Gwent Police representative.

Additional documents:


The Presiding Member introduced Superintendent J White of Gwent Police, who provided council members with an update on police issues within East, West, and Central Newport.


The Presiding Member invited the Leader to address Superintendent White.


The Leader welcomed Superintendent White and thanked the police on behalf of Newport City Council for their policing support made during the Pride Event. The Leader reflected that this had been an outstanding example of community policing and commended the police and PCSOs who engaged with the public on the day.


The Leader mentioned a variance in police engagement with elected members meant that communication and correspondence received differed in the west of Newport by comparison to the east, where ward colleagues were well informed about recent changes to the police force. The Leader asked if the Superintendent would address this to ensure that all ward colleagues within Newport were informed and updated.


Superintendent White agreed that there were disparities. With regard to the recent changes to the west of Newport, Sergeant Merve Priest was stepping up as Inspector and there was a new Chief Inspector, Amanda Thomas, who was clear in her views around consistency of engagement to elected members and residents and this would be seen in all communication going forward. 


The Leader referred to the police monitoring of 30mph and 20mph speed limits and requested that they look into speeding issues along Almond Drive, outside the primary school.  Whilst the Council’s enforcement officers could demonstrate some activity, a PCSO presence would also be welcomed, around school times.


Questions to the Police raised by Councillors:


§  Cllr Evans asked a hypothetical question about his back garden and the Superintendent advised that such instances would be dealt with on a case-by-case basis and could be deemed as criminal damage, but similar situations would be checked with other agencies such as Welsh Water before making a determination on this. 


Councillor Evans asked what judicial powers the police had in relation to travellers and how difficult this was to enforce.  Superintendent White stated that Section 60 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 2022 was introduced to give police more powers to deal with illegal encampments, however, three criteria under this legislation had to be met before this could be enforced: significant damage to land, significant disruption, and significant distress. Encampments had set up in Newport in the past with pockets of incidents of theft, damage, and disorder but it was not deemed to be significant.  Whilst the Superintendent understood the frustration of residents, guidance from Welsh Government Policy advised that the determining factor of significance lies with the police.


§  Councillor Jenkins was contacted by elderly residents and asked what could be done to tackle the anti-social behaviour at the back of Asda in Pillgwenlly. Superintendent White confirmed that dedicated patrols we carried out around the area. The police have powers and PSPOs in place that they can use.  The Superintendent considered that links with the community was important, and more patrols would  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Replacement Local Development Plan pdf icon PDF 464 KB

Additional documents:


The Presiding Member invited the Leader to present the first report on the agenda, the Replacement Local Development Plan (RLDP) Preferred Strategy and sought Council’s approval to endorse the Preferred Strategy and commence the formal community consultation in October.


This recommendation is in line with the timeline included in the Revised Delivery Agreement previously approved by Council and confirmed by the Welsh Government in January 2023.


Having an up to date and fit for purpose Local Development Plan is not only important for seeing the city grow and prosper up until 2036 but is also a statutory requirement.


The Preferred Strategy is a formal stage in the development of a new Local Development Plan and the purpose of the Preferred Strategy outlines a suggested approach to new development, future growth, and conservation. 


Newport has been identified as a National Growth Area in Future Wales: The National Plan 2040. This was the top tier of the Development Plan for planning purposes and all local level plans; including our Local Development Plan, needed to be in accordance with the national plan.


A public consultation on the Growth and Spatial Options has been conducted and the responses received were used to inform the proposed Preferred Strategy. 68 consultation responses were received from a wide array of stakeholders. These consultation responses and the proposed responses were considered by Cabinet on 13 September and the recommendations were approved.


Alongside the consultation responses received, a considerable amount of background evidence and reports, were used to inform the Preferred Strategy. 


To formally progress a Preferred Strategy, further formal consultation is required. The regulations state that this should be for a minimum of six weeks, however it was proposed that the consultation would begin in October and run for eight weeks.  The consultation plan included various methods of engagement and exercises to reach as wide an audience as possible.


The Place and Corporate Scrutiny Committee considered the Preferred Strategy and the proposals on 11 September. There was a positive discussion on this matter and the Committee were content to endorse the public consultation exercise.  The Leader welcomed the request from Committee members that careful consideration be given on how to promote and raise awareness of the consultation.


A target of  facilitating the development of 570 new homes and the creation of 8,640 new jobs is set under the Preferred Strategy.  With this level of growth, Newport will be a destination where people want to live, work and visit.


To deliver this growth, it was proposed that a hybrid spatial strategy is adopted.  This would focus on Previously Developed Land as well as acknowledging that some greenfield land within and adjoining settlements, would be required along with some smaller developments in villages. Details of proposed key sites of 300+ dwellings are outlined in the strategy.


This strategy is for consultation, views and opinions of all stakeholders are welcomed. All responses will be considered in detail and used to inform the Deposit Plan which will be brought back  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Climate Change Annual Report pdf icon PDF 111 KB

Additional documents:


The Presiding Member advised that the next report to be presented by the Leader, was the Climate Change Plan Annual Report for 2022-2023.


The purpose of this report was to provide the organisational emissions for 2022-2023 and an update on the projects supporting the Council’s decarbonisation efforts.


This is the first full annual report of the Climate Change Plan which was signed off in March 2022.


The Climate Change Plan sets out how the organisation would achieve Net Zero by 2030 in line with commitments.


Turning to the report itself, overall, Carbon emissions were down, excluding procurement, and operational emissions; this figure had reduced by 7.69% since 2021-2022.

This figure is lower than previously reporteddue to  changes in the reporting guidance and initiating engagement with our supply chain to start to build more detailed figures specific to Newport.


With a City-wide Local Area Energy Plan in place, actions in year 2 of the climate change plan have a much tighter focus on organisational emissions. The majority of actions for Year 2 of the plan have in-year completion dates.


An important detail to note is the recommendation for the separation of Action Plans from the main Organisational Plan. Action Plans would be publicly available but separating them from the body of the Plan itself meant that the Plan did not need to be amended and re-published on an annual basis in its entirety.


Climate Change projects of note in the past year included:


§  The roll-out of Carbon Literacy training to members and senior managers and the achievement of Bronze Accreditation status.

§  The establishment of the Climate Change Staff Network which had over 30 members who met monthly.

§  The installation of further solar panels through Egni, the community solar co-operative.

§  Installation of Air Source Heat Pumps at Caerleon Comprehensive.

§  The achievement of Tree City of the World Status in recognition of the management of tree stocks.

§  Completion of the Devon Place Bridge to support active travel across the city.

§  Changes to procurement processes to support decarbonisation through the larger purchases made, soon every procurement over £75,000 would need endorsement from the climate change team.


In the coming year, the main areas of focus for the Climate Change Plan would be the ongoing decarbonisation of heat in Council buildings, removing the need to use fossil fuels where possible, delivery of widespread EV charging, evaluating the decarbonisation potential for Council owned land and the development of internal and external communications plans to ensure that there is effective communication and engagement with staff and the public.


The report was seconded by Councillor Forsey.


Comments from Councillors:


§  Councillor Forsey considered the progress under the comprehensive report on retrofitting to buildings, replacing fleet vehicles, and being awarded Bronze Carbon Literacy Accreditation Status. Councillor Forsey referred to extreme weather events and the toll this has on lives and food production. It was therefore vital that we continued with this work. Councillor Forsey concluded that whilst good progress had been made  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Market Arcade Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) pdf icon PDF 780 KB

Additional documents:


The Presiding Member invited the Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning, Regulation and Housing, to present the report.


Council colleagues were asked to consider and agree the renewal of the Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for the Market Arcade.


The arcade is an important area within the city centre and the subject of much improvement and regeneration over recent years.


In 2020, the Council considered a similar request as a response to antisocial behaviour in the arcade at night where vandalism and other anti-social behaviour occurred.


The 2020 order included a provision to place gates at either end during the evening and nighttime.


As the arcade was a right of way an alternative route was highlighted and consulted upon. Members of the public and businesses who responded to the consultation expressed strong support for this approach.


This single measure all but eliminated antisocial behaviour and allowed businesses to re-enter the area with increased confidence.


Councillor Mudd seconded the report.


Comments from Councillors:


§  Councillor Thomas reflected that there was a huge commitment in the development of these areas of the city and it was important to protect them for the enjoyment of residents.


§  The Leader seconded the proposal and remarked on the regeneration of the Market Arcade.  The PSPO was intended to protect this space and hoped that colleagues would support the report.




Council approved the renewal of the Market Arcade Public Spaces Protection Order.



Maesglas Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Additional documents:


The Presiding Member moved to the next item on the agenda, which was presented by the Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning, Regulation and Housing


Council colleagues were asked to consider and agree the reinstatement of the Public Spaces Protection Order for an area within Maesglas.


In 2018 Council considered a similar request as a response to antisocial behaviour from residents and businesses within the area.


The order included restricting access to a public path behind Maesglas shops on Cardiff Road. 


As that pathway is a right of way, an alternative route was highlighted and consulted upon.


There was a high level of response to the consultation, and the public and businesses who responded indicated that anti-social behavioural problems remained in the area and these additional controls would help tackle them.


It was noted that many responders to the consultation expressed a wish for the area of the PSPO to be extended. Officers planned to explore this option without delay and may consider an extension in the coming months.


Councillor Marshall seconded the report.


Comments from Councillors:


§  Councillor Perkins supported the reinstatement of the Maesglas PSPO and referenced the positive response from the residents to the PSPO. 


§  Councillor Mark Howells considered this to be a pro-active step taken by the Council to deliver positive outcomes for the community and recommended that officers consider PSPOs in other areas experiencing similar issues.


§  Councillor Batrouni thanked officers, councillors and J Bryant, MS for their involvement and whole heartedly supported the report.


§  Councillor Marshall seconded the report to address the issues in Maesglas  and remarked on the support from residents in the consultation feedback. 


§  Councillor Morris referred to the importance of engaging with young people and hoped that measures could be put in place to support engagement and activities in this area.




Council agreed to a Public Spaces Protection Order in the Maesglas area.



South East Wales Corporate Joint Committee Scrutiny Arrangements pdf icon PDF 134 KB

Additional documents:


The Leader invited the Monitoring Officer to present the last report on the agenda, this was the proposal for the Cardiff Capital Region City Deal Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee (JOSC) to be appointed to discharge the authority’s scrutiny functions in relation to the South-East Wales Corporate Joint Committee (SEWCJC).


The SEWCJC was formally established in April 2021, made up of the Leaders of the 10 Local Authorities in Southeast Wales including Newport.


The CJC has a responsibility for strategic development planning, regional transport planning and promoting the economic well-being of the Southeast Wales area.


The SEWCJC is currently in a transitional phase, building up governance structures in preparation for becoming fully operational in April 2024 when it is intended to take over the functions of the Cardiff Capital Region City Deal (CCRCD) Joint Committee.


As a key part of the CJC’s government structures, arrangements must be made to ensure that there are appropriate overview and scrutiny arrangements in place to provide effective scrutiny of the functions discharged by the CJC.


The report sets out the following proposals:


§  Each of the 10 Local Authorities to agree to appoint the existing JOSC, which currently scrutinises the CCR, to scrutinise the SEWCJC under separate terms of reference  (Appendix 2).

§  The existing JOSC confirmed its agreement to take this on (as Appendix 1) and each of the 10 Local Authorities are now being asked to seek approval for the proposals from their Councils, with the proviso that the terms of reference be reviewed by the JOSC themselves to ensure that the scrutiny arrangements are robust, transparent, and accountable.

§  Any subsequent changes to the terms of reference would need to be referred back and approved by each of the 10 Local Authorities represented on the JOSC.


The JOSC met on 27 July 2023 and indicated their agreement in principle to the proposal.


Newport City Council was represented on the JOSC by the Chair of Newport City Council’s Overview, Scrutiny and Management Committee.


The report was seconded by Councillor Davies.




Council agreed to appoint the Cardiff Capital Region Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee as the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee for SEWCJC.


Questions to the Leader of the Council

To provide an opportunity for Councillors to ask questions to the Leader of the Council in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders.



No more than 15 minutes will be allocated at the Council meeting for questions to the Leader of the Council.


The question must be addressed through the Mayor or the person presiding at the meeting and not directly to the person being questioned.

Additional documents:


Before Commencement with questions, the Leader made the following announcements to Council:


The Leader offered her condolences to those who had families in Libya who were victims of the recent flooding.


Pride in the Port

I’d like to start by saying how fantastic it was to see so many people supporting the second Pride in the Port weekend at the start of this month.


The whole weekend, from the parade and festival to the fringe events, was a wonderful celebration of our LGBTQIA+ community.


I spoke to many people who were so happy to be able to experience this event, and importantly felt they were able to be their authentic selves. Inclusivity and acceptance are vital aspects of our city’s character where everyone feels welcomed and embraced for who they are. It shows why events like this matter, and I’m already looking forward to next year’s celebrations.


Food Festival

There is just over two weeks to go until the Newport Food Festival returns to the city centre, and I’m delighted that this year’s event will be bigger than ever, taking place over three days instead of one.


The festival has become established as one of the highlights of Newport’s events calendar, and we’re sure that this year’s programme will prove popular with residents, visitors, and businesses alike.


The festival kicks off with a supper event on the evening of Friday 13 October at the Mercure Hotel’s NP20 Bar and Kitchen.


The festival’s patron chef, Hywel Jones, will be taking diners on a culinary exploration of fabulous Welsh, Georgian and German cuisine, to celebrate Newport’s links with our twin cities of Kutaisi and Heidenheim.


Tickets for the supper are on sale and can be booked through the food festival website.


Saturday will see the traditional food market set up in the city centre, with street entertainment, chef demonstrations in Newport Market, a vegan and vegetarian village in John Frost Square, and the return of the final of the Teen Chef competition.

Finally, on the Sunday there will be a new event for the festival, with live music and street food vendors taking over High Street.


We have worked closely with local bars Le Pub, McCanns, and Madame JoJo to put together a fabulous line-up of entertainment for the Sunday event, which we are sure is going to be a popular addition to the festival programme.


The Leader added that the impact on the local economy should not be underestimated and encouraged residents to attend the festival.


Market Arcade

I am pleased to confirm that the final set of restoration works at the historic Newport Market Arcade are now underway.

The restoration project, which began back in 2018, has seen the council transform the once declining arcade into a vibrant and viable commercial attraction within the city centre.


This phase of the work will see internal refurbishments to several of the units in the arcade, as well as the remaining external refurbishments.


The transformation of the Market Arcade would not have been  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.


Questions to the Cabinet Members

To provide an opportunity to pose questions to Cabinet Members in line with Standing Orders.



No more than 10 minutes will be allocated at the Council meeting for questions to each Cabinet Member.


Members must submit their proposed questions in writing in advance in accordance with Standing Orders.  If members are unable to ask their question orally within the allocated time, remaining questions will be answered in writing.  The question and response will be appended to the minutes.


The question must be addressed through the Mayor or the person presiding at the meeting and not directly to the person being questioned.


Questions will be posed to Cabinet Members in the following order:


        i.           Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education and Early Years

      ii.           Cabinet Member for Community and Wellbeing

     iii.           Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning, Regulation and Housing

    iv.           Cabinet Member for Social Services

      v.           Cabinet Member for Organisational Transformation

    vi.           Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Bio-Diversity

   vii.           Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Assets

Additional documents:


Question 1 - Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning, Regulation and Housing


Councillor Debbie Jenkins:

The Corporate plan aims to make Newport a fairer, safer, and thriving City. As Regulation is part of your portfolio, can you update Council on what the Public Protection team is doing to achieve these strategic goals?


Response from Councillor James Clarke:

Our Public Protection teams carry out a wide range of activities on different regimes, so I would like to provide some detail on recent activities on each of these areas to illustrate the splendid work delivered by Council officers.


Regarding Trading Standards:

Investigations relating to counterfeit goods and illegal dog breeding are ongoing. The combined fraud value is more than £5million.


During a recent illegal tobacco enforcement operation in Commercial Street, officers carried out surveillance on illegal tobacco shops leading to seizures and four arrests. Officers closed five shops using ASB Closure Orders.


Illegal disposable vaping devices are prevalent; 3,370 illegal disposable vapes have been seized and several prosecutions are under way in relation to illegal vapes and vapes sold to underage persons.


Several investigations into the activities of rogue/itinerant traders are at various stages of completion.


Officers carry out a risk assessed inspection programmed at food businesses across the city and a project is underway to tackle residential rental and commercial premises that fall beneath acceptable energy performance standards.


Regarding Environmental Health

The Section continues to support safe events, deliver food controls etc. The service is targeting businesses where there are inappropriate practices such as using unsafe equipment. For example, using illegally converted kitchen gas appliances to LPG, causing risk of explosion. More prohibition notices have been served in the last year, than the last four years.


Several food hygiene improvement notices, prohibition notices and food seizure, detention and destruction actions have been taken. Two prosecutions have taken place.


Regarding Licensing:

This Section continues to monitor licensed businesses. Action has been taken relating to pubs and nightclubs breaching their conditions. Checks with the taxi trade continue. Examples of incidents that have happened would be that one taxi driver was investigated by the team and found to be lying about a speeding offence. That driver subsequently received a suspended sentence and a fine. Two taxi drivers had refused to allow guide dogs into their cars. These drivers had their licences suspended pending retraining.


Regarding Community Safety:

The Community Safety Team are active in the City Centre and deal with noise nuisance, health and safety issues, there have also been incidents of fly tipping where in some incidents a Community Protection Warning has been issued.


A Community Protection Warning was issued in relation to a large-scale fly tipping problem in Maesglas followed by an Environmental Protection Act Notice which resulted in the accumulation of 2 tonnes of rubbish being cleared.


139 Section 115 Crime and Disorder Act meetings have been attended.

I would like to finish by acknowledging all the hard work and dedication of the Team.


Question 2 – Cabinet Member for Organisational Transformation  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.