Venue: Council Chambers - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Anne Jenkins Governance Team Leader
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Minutes of the previous meeting Additional documents: |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest at this stage but members declared personal interests at the appropriate times during the meeting when they were nominated for appointments. |
Appointment of the Presiding Officer To make an appointment to the new post of Presiding Officer Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive formally opened the meeting and invited nominations for the appointment of the Presiding Member.
Councillor Mudd nominated Councillor Cockeram as Presiding Member and this was duly seconded
Councillor Cockeram declared an interest at this point.
There were no other nominations. The motion was put to the vote and was duly carried.
Resolved: That Councillor Cockeram be appointed as Presiding Officer of the Council.
Councillor Cockeram then took the chair for the remainder of the meeting
Appointment of the Deputy Presiding Officer To make an appointment to the new post of Deputy Presiding Officer Additional documents: Minutes: The Presiding Member invited nominations for the appointment of the Deputy Presiding Member. .
Councillor Mudd nominated Councillor Trevor Watkins as Deputy Presiding Member and this was duly seconded
Councillor Watkins declared an interest at this point.
There were no other nominations. The motion was put to the vote and was duly carried.
Resolved: That Councillor Watkins be appointed as Deputy Presiding Member of the Council.
Appointment to the Leader of the Council To make an appointment to the post of Leader of the Council.
The Leader as elected may then announce their appointment of Cabinet Members if they so wish. Additional documents: Minutes:
Councillor Mudd declared an interest at this point.
It was moved and seconded by Councillor Evans that Councillor Mudd be appointed as leader of the Council.
That Councillor Jane Mudd be appointed as Leader of the Council.
The Leader, as elected announced her appointment of Cabinet Members:
Council Business Manager – Cllr James Clarke Group Chief Whip – Cllr Emma Corten
Councillor Evans then announced the Shadow appointments.
Opposition Spokespersons:
At this point, the Leader took the opportunity to announce the new members of the Labour Group, including Newport’s first ever green member, Councillor Lauren James of the Green Party.
Councillor Matthew Evans introduced his new Conservative Member to the Council
Councillor Allan Morris introduced his Lliswerry Ward colleagues to the Council. |
Appointment of Chairs of Committees To appoint Chairs to the Planning, Licensing, Scrutiny and the Democratic Services Committees. Additional documents: Minutes: Following nominations by the Leaders of their respective parties, and the nominations having been duly seconded, it was Resolved that the following Committee Chair appointments be agreed by Council:
(The nominated persons listed above declared an interest in this item and did not vote on their specific appointments).
Appointments to Committees To give effect to appointments of members to Committees by the political groups. Additional documents: Minutes: The Council gave effect to appointments to Committees by the political groups.
Each Group Leader agreed to pass the appointments of members to the Committee to the Proper Officer for recording in the Minutes.
The following allocation of Committee seats was confirmed:
* Chair to appointed by the Committee
Scrutiny Committees:
*This Chair position will be on an annual rotation basis with the Lliswerry Independent group, Councillor Mark Howells.
Members Scheme of Allowances 2022/2023 Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader presented the report to Council. The Council was required to adopt and publish a scheme of allowances for members for the current municipal year, based on the salaries prescribed by the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (“the IRP”). The IRP was the statutory body set up by Welsh Government to determine the appropriate level of remuneration paid to elected members in Wales.
The IRP published its Annual Report back in February of this year, but the recommendations for 22/23 did not take effect until after the local elections. Therefore, the Council needed to formally adopt those recommendations and approve the allowances for 22/23.
The IRP has determined that the basic annual salaries for elected members for 22/23 should be re-based at £16,800 to take account of inflationary increases over the past few years and to ensure that remuneration was linked to average salary levels. Senior salaries were also increased and re-set in line with relevant comparators. There was no discretion regarding the amount of the salaries as they were fixed by the IRP.
The increases in basic salaries would take effect as from 9 May 2022. The additional remuneration for senior salaries would be payable as from today, following the earlier appointments. The names of the relevant senior-salary holders would be added to the Schedule before it was published.
The Leader formally moved the adoption of the Scheme of Allowances for 22/23. This was seconded by Councillor Evans.
Resolved: That Council approved and adopted the Members Schedule of Remuneration 22/23 as set out in Appendix 1 of the Agenda Pack. |
Officer Scheme of Delegation Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader presented the report to Council. The Council’s Constitution included an extensive scheme of delegation to the Chief Executive, Strategic Directors and Heads of Service, who were authorised to take operational decisions and discharge specific statutory functions on behalf of the Council.
The Officer Scheme of Delegation had been updated periodically, to reflect changes in the senior management structure and re-allocation of roles and responsibilities. It was last updated in October 2020, in line with recommendations from Democratic Services Committee. Since that time, Council agreed a new senior management structure with new Strategic Directors and Heads of Service. That senior management re-structure was now been implemented and there were significant changes in roles and responsibilities and re-alignment of services. It was therefore necessary to change the officer scheme of delegation to reflect these management changes. The amended scheme of delegation was attached to the report and, once adopted, would be included at Appendix 3 to the new Constitution.
There were no substantive changes to the previous scheme of delegation but responsibility was transferred, where appropriate, to the new Head of Service, and minor amendments were made to reflect changes in legislation and updated job titles.
The Leader moved that the Council approved and adopted the amended officer Scheme of delegation. This was seconded by Councillor Evans.
Resolved: That Council agreed and adopted the proposed amendments to the Scheme of Delegation to Officers under Part 3 Appendix 3 of the Council Constitution as set out in the Council Agenda Pack.
Council Standing Orders and Arrangements for Multi-Location Meetings Additional documents:
Minutes: The Leader presented the report to Council. Sections 46 and 47 of the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 imposed a statutory duty on all Welsh local authorities to make and publish arrangements for “hybrid” or multi-location meetings and for the broadcasting of these meetings.
Colleagues were aware, that the Council operated fully remote meetings throughout the Covid lock-down period and this was the first time that most councillors were able to meet in person in this Chamber for the past two years. Until now, remote meetings were a matter of necessity but, from now on, participating remotely in Council meetings was a matter of personal choice.
The removal of all Covid restrictions meant that the Council could introduce arrangements for hybrid or multi-location meetings where elected members and other participants had a choice about joining remotely or attending in person. Also, as part of the Council’s Strategic Covid-Recovery Aims, a New Working Model was agreed for both elected members and Council staff, based on flexible working arrangements. An integral part of this New Working Model was the use of technology and the freedom to participate remotely in Council meetings. These arrangements would help to improve diversity and transparency within local government.
The protocol attached to this report set out how the Council intended to discharge its statutory duties under sections 46 and 47 of the 2021 Act in relation to the broadcasting of meetings, and the convening of meetings involving participants in multiple locations. The rules and procedures set out in Section 3 of the document would constitute the mandatory, core requirements for compliance with the legislative framework. As such, they would form part of the Council’s published Constitution and needed to be read in conjunction with the Council’s Standing Orders relating to the conduct of meetings.
Section 4 set out the Council’s wider multi-location meetings policy, which reflected the general legislative principles in section 3, while setting out more detailed practices and procedures to ensure that multi-location meetings work efficiently, effectively and accountably. This non-statutory policy would be subject to periodic oversight and review by Democratic Services Committee and should be considered in conjunction with the Council’s wider Public Participation and Engagement Strategy.
The Council’s Standing Orders were updated and amended to reflect the legislation and the new arrangements for the appointment of a Presiding Member to chair Council meetings, instead of the Mayor.
The proposed arrangements and policy for the conduct multi-location meetings were attached to this report, together with updated Standing Orders. Once they are approved and adopted, they would then be published as part of the revised constitution.
The Leader moved the approval and adoption of the amended Standing Orders and Arrangements for multi-location meeting. This was seconded by Councillor Evans.
Resolved: That Council approved and adopted amended Standing Orders and Arrangements for multi-location meetings.
Participation Strategy and Petition Scheme Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader presented the report to Council. The Council report was the final step in the Council’s development of a Participation Strategy to comply with the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021.
Under the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 Local Authorities were required to develop and consult on a Participation Strategy that supports residents to become more involved in decision-making and to encourage more diversity in decision-makers.
The Act placed a duty on principal councils to encourage local citizens to participate in the process of decision making, and to prepare and publish a strategy that set out how it proposed to do this.
As part of this public engagement process, the Council was also required to make and publish a Petition Scheme, setting out how public petitions can be submitted and how the Council will respond.
The Act encouraged Local Authorities to adopt strategies with arrangements that suit their own circumstances and were designed around the needs of those who used their services.
Democratic Services Committee was integral in the development and shaping of the strategy to produce this final version.
Consultation with Newport residents indicated that residents were interested in the decisions that the Council made and would welcome having more of a voice as part of the decision-making process.
If approved by Council, the Strategy would be published in English and Welsh on the Council’s website by 31 May 2022.
The Leader moved the approval and adoption of the Public Participation Strategy and the Petition Scheme for publication. This was seconded by Councillor Evans.
Resolved: That Council approved and adopted the Public Participation Strategy and the Petition Scheme and agreed to their publication.
Pay and Reward Statement 2022/2023 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council’s Pay and Reward Policy for the workforce was an annual report that required adoption by Council. This policy set out the internal mechanisms for remunerating Council officers and provided any changes since the last adoption. Cabinet agreed in their March meeting to recommend the policy for adoption at Council.
The policy was last approved in April 2021 and there were no proposed changes to it this year, with the exception of some terminology alterations which are referred to in the report.
The Leader did however highlight the annual gender pay gap that would also be published on the Council’s website. The Leader was pleased to report that the mean pay gap decreased for a third successive year. The gap was 3.6% in 2019, 1.9% in 2020 and was now 1.5% in 2021. There was currently a median pay gap of 2.0% for 2021. The Council’s gender pay gap continued to compare favourably with other Councils across Wales and the UK average of 15.4% but efforts would be maintained to eliminate the pay gap between men and women employed by the Council.
The Council was committed to conducting equal pay audits and this is due to be carried out in this calendar year.
The Leader moved the approval and adoption of the Pay & Reward Statement 22/23.This was seconded by Councillor Evans.
Resolved: That Council approved and adopted the Pay and Reward Policy 2022/23.
Appendix 1 Cabinet Member Portfolios Additional documents: Minutes: AEEPNDIX 2
Cabinet Member Portfolios May 2022/2023
The Leader is responsible for the discharge of Executive Functions and has delegated responsibility for the discharge of some Executive Functions to the Cabinet as a whole and to individual Cabinet Members, in accordance with this scheme of delegation.
The following Executive Functions have been delegated to individual Cabinet Members in relation to the portfolios allocated to them by the Leader, as set out in the tables below.
If there is any uncertainty as to whether a matter falls within a particular portfolio, the Leader will make a determination as to which Cabinet Member should take that executive decision.
General for all Cabinet Members:
Policies and Policy Documents All Cabinet Members have responsibility to determine and amend any policy or policy documents relating to their portfolios, in line with the Council's policy framework and budget. This does not include those policies and documents reserved for determination by Council, or delegated to the Cabinet collectively, other individual Cabinet Members or officers. All operational matters are to be determined by the relevant Head of Service in accordance with the Officer Scheme of Delegation.
Policy documents will include: · Strategies · Schemes · Plans · Guidance documents or supplementary guidance documents · Eligibility criteria and patterns of provision · Objectives for service delivery within the portfolio
Service Planning and Performance To determine the service plans for service areas within the portfolio, to monitor performance against service plans and to determine any actions arising.
Consultation Documents To determine the response to any major consultation document or formal inspection document specific to the portfolio or service area.
Statutory Notices To determine whether to advertise, consult upon or publish any statutory notices or Orders (insofar as they are not delegated to officers) and to take action upon advertised proposals in the light of any representations received.
Variations to Budgets To determine any variations to budgets in accordance with Financial Regulations and the Constitution, including virement up to an aggregate total of £100,000 per annum or 10% of the Objective Analysis as set out in the Budget Book (whichever is the lower).
Tenders To determine an approved or select list of prospective tenderers for supply of goods, materials or services within the portfolio and to determine whether to exclude contractors from approved or select lists.
Grants In consultation with the Leader, to determine whether to accept available external grants which require match funding, subject to confirmation of available funding to meet any commitment by the Council, which must include any residual termination costs to the Council when grant funding ceases.
To agree criteria, limits, eligibilities and distribution within schemes for grant aid in relation to services within the portfolio and to determine whether to waive conditions relating to grant aid.
To make grants or provide support to organisations or individuals, other than those subject to specific delegations elsewhere within the scheme, where the grant amount is £20,000 or above. Decisions on grant applications of less than £20,000 will be determined by Heads of Service acting within ... view the full minutes text for item 13. |
Appendix 2 Appointments to Outside Bodies Additional documents: Minutes: APPENDIX 2 – OUTSIDE BODIES
Adjournment Following consideration of the above items, the meeting will then adjourn and will reconvene for the following items no earlier than 5.30pm. Additional documents: Minutes: The Presiding Member confirmed that this concluded the formal Council business of the AGM and closed the first part of the meeting at 16.45. The meeting then reconvened after a short adjournment for the Mayor-making ceremony.
Inauguration of the Mayor Inauguration of the Mayor for the Municipal Year 2022/23. Following the swearing in, the Mayor will then announce his Deputy Mayor. Additional documents: |