Decision details

Verified Key Stage 4 and 5 Pupil Outcomes

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


CAB 02/18 


Education / Pupil Performance Data 2016/17 Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5


Options Considered/Reasons for Decision


The Cabinet Member for Education and Skills presented the report which provided analysis of the performance data for Key Stage 4 and 5 results in 2016/17.


The Cabinet Member highlighted that there had been significant revisions to examinations over the preceeding two years, which resulted in a different focus on the skills, knowledge and understanding being tested.  All GCSE and A levels had been affected in some way but the most predominant changes had come through the Maths and English GCSE, with specific focus on a new Numeracy Paper, a second Science GCSE and the counting of English Language (only) in the Level 2 Inclusive Measure. 

Newport was exceptionally well prepared for these changes and implemented support for its secondary schools over that two year period. It was confirmed that this support was continuing and learning points had been taken from the 16/17 pupil outcomes.


The Cabinet Member highlighted that this support and planning had produced some outstanding results, particularly noting that this was the first time in history that Newport had achieved over the Welsh average for the Level 2 Inclusive or the Maths Level 2 Indicators.  In all other indicators, the gap between the all Wales average and Newport had reduced and national ranking had subsequently improved.

Although this report focused on all Wales comparisons, it was reported that Newport had also performed strongly in its regional position.


In conclusion, the Cabinet Member noted the ongoing room for improvement, and the continuing ambition of the service and wider Council to create a learning, working and thriving city. The paper noted some of the ongoing challenges in the figures, including the variance between secondary school performances within the city.  It was confirmed that the reduction in variation was a key priority for Education Services this academic year.


In commenting upon the report, the Leader and Cabinet Members congratulated pupils and staff on the excellent results achieved, in the face of some significant challenges.  Members also noted the areas for improvement, including the increased gender gap.  The increased gap for those pupils in receipt of free school meals was also noted, which the Leader linked with the poverty agenda.


The Leader commended Estyn for introducing a new system for reporting key stage 5 results, highlighting the importance of sixth form education and the difference that can make to pupils’ futures.  Cabinet Members also noted the ongoing partnership working between the authority, the EAS and schools, centered around high aspirations, constructive challenge and positive effort.




1.    To acknowledge the position regarding pupil performance and progress made.


2.    To consider any issues arising that the Cabinet may wish to draw to the attention of the Chief Education Officer.




Cabinet Member for Education and Young People; Strategic Director - People; Head of Law and Regulation; Head of People and Business Change; Head of Finance.


Implemented By:  Chief Education Officer

Implementation Timetable:  Immediate




Publication date: 17/01/2018

Date of decision: 17/01/2018

Decided at meeting: 17/01/2018 - Cabinet

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