Decision details

Improvement Plan 2016-18: Quarter 2 Update

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


CAB 05/18 


Improvement Objectives 2016-18 Update for Quarter 2 (July to September 2017)


Options Considered/Reasons for Decision


The Chair of Cabinet presented the update from quarter 2 on delivery of the Improvement Plan objectives, which continued to be delivered on target, with all but one outcome showing as “good” or “excellent”. 


Improvement Objective 8 – Improving outcomes for youth justice – continued to show as amber, but it was noted the reasons behind these figures were well understood, with a significant spike in entrants to the youth justice system caused by recent police operations in the city.  Although this was a positive in terms of policing and community safety, it had caused a unique increase for the region, and although this was being managed, Members recognised the additional pressure this had caused for the service.


Overall progress continued to be excellent and Cabinet commended officers for the ongoing efforts on this.





1.    To note the progress made during the second quarter of 2017/18 regarding key actions and measures.


2.    To agree that corrective action be taken to address areas of underperformance.




Chief Executive; Strategic Directors; Heads of Service; Chair of Cabinet


Implemented By:  Chief Executive, Strategic Directors and Heads of Service

Implementation Timetable:  Immediate




Publication date: 22/01/2018

Date of decision: 17/01/2018

Decided at meeting: 17/01/2018 - Cabinet

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